Chapter 6

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Elise's POV

I combined the flour,sugar and cocoa together in a big glasses bowl.Then I gradually whisked in the bowl with the eggs and the milk.

After 30 minutes battling in the kitchen.I served 3 layers of chocolate pancakes on the plate located on the glasses table.

Then I repeated the action acrossed me.I woke up early this morning because first it was my daily routine.

Secondly,I couldn't sleep knowing the fact that I just got married with my dream girl.

Thirdly, I was so pissed off towards my so called wife. Why?

She was literally kicked me out of our bedroom last night.I repeated,OUR bedroom and claimed it as hers.

Urghh! I couldn't believe that I married with a cold heart, emotionless woman. Is she really the same girl I'm in love with for 6 years?

She was completely opposite the last time I met her (before my worst nightmare happened)

Before she was happier and never lack of smiles on her beauty face.

But now, it seem like her true self buried deep inside her and it wants to be released but there this wall she built trapped them inside.

Not only her behaviour had changed,her features too.

If you look at her closely, you'll notice that she's actually resembles to Lucky Blue Smith. But the girl version. She got taller too, like really tall! Or maybe because I was just too short. Is 5'2 considered short? My head barely touch her chin. And her body way more toned than before.

Well a good change actually

I looked at my watch and it displayed 9 o'clock in the morning. I sat peacefully on my elegant wooden chair and decided to wait for my wife to wake up so we could have breakfast together.

45 minutes had passed and these delicious pancakes I made for her started to loose it warm. I tapped my index finger hardly on the glasses table hopely could help me release the frustration.

'When is she going to wake up!' Maybe she's not a morning person. Okay that's it! Sorry for letting you wait for so long sweety. Here I come!' My cooking skill never disappointed me.
I moaned when the rich chocolate flavour filling my mouth.

I closed my eyes to enjoy the good taste of fluffy food that stuffed inside my mouth. Slightly moaned came out from my mouth. Don't blame me, I was really appreciating the foods.

When I opened my eyes, I was suprised to find Skylar stood froze at the frame door. Her face as red as tomato that I found on the fridge 50 minutes ago.

She looked at me with her eyes wide opened and I swear I saw her drooling. 'Whats wrong with her? Is she blushing? Is she.....wait a minute.Oh'

I smirked at her and gestured her to sit down.

Skylar's POV

The odour of sweet flavour lingering in my nostril forcing me to wake me up from my deep sleep. Hurmm chocolate, my favourite.

I tilted my head to the right and found a red digital clock on the night stand.

The deep sleep had caused my eyes blurred. So I squinted them to get a better look


Still so early. I was having a serious fight with my eyes to let them keep open. But I was too damn sleepy. Suddenly those sweet chocolate odour attacked my nostril again.

And a growling noise from my stomach doesn't help.'Damn I'm starving'

I pulled up my duvet and instantly the cold air stung my skin. But it wasn't bother me as I used to it.

I walked straight to the bathroom and pulled off  my black tight boxer. The only cloth that wrapped my body.

Have I mentioned that I sleep naked but only with my boxer? Full clothes on my body just doesn't feel right.I  felt uncomfortable.

And now you know why I refused Elise to sleep together with me.

I drained up my body and walked towards a huge closet. As I unloading some clothes, I heard my phone ringed.

I grabbed my phone off the night stand and tapped the answer button.

"Hello dad. What you get on your mind this morning?" I asked coldly still pissed off with him controlling my life.

He giggle behind the phone."Whats wrong, your wife refused to give you last night?"

"What do you mea- What no!!" I could feel my cheeks in heat.

I sighed "....I'm not ready to tell her about 'that'....." I continued. I'm sure she would disgust with me if she finds out.

"Sky....everything's going to be fine.. if she 'really' loves you, she would accept everything about you." He sounds concern.'really?'

"But we just got married, it's impossible for her to love me that soon." I stated.

"She always loves you for a really long t-" I cut him off.

"Forget about that will yah? So what do you want?" I asked politely. Maybe I should drop the 'bitch' attitude already.

I heard him gasped. "Marriage teached you some manner huh kid?" I rolled my eyes annoyed.

"I just want to inform you that you'll handle the company here. I'll take care the one in London. So enjoy your marriage life here." I put on my grey sweatpant.

The movement sound can be heard on the phone."Ohh your mom told me that we'll having a dinner with Mr.Miraz and his family. She said she wants to celebrate the wedding." He added.

"Okay" was the only word I could reply. As soon as dad hang up the phone. I put on black plain T-shirt and brown leather jacket.

I decided to go to 'that place'. Maybe to get some fresh air. I grabbed a black snapback in the closet.

As I walked down the stair, I heard a quite moaned voice in the kitchen. A pang of pain stabbing my heart and I couldn't explain why.

My stepped became light and slower afraid of the view that my eyes had to endure.

I closed my eyes and when my foots touched the marble of the kitchen floor.

My eyelid rose up slowly. I left out a relief breath when I saw no one here but Elise.

Then why she made that moan before? She stuffed a fork of fluffy pancake inside her mouth while she closed her eyes.

The next thing she do made my heart beated as fast as the car racing. I felt hot and I could feel myself down there hardening. She then licked the folk so intenstly. 'Who the fuck eating like that!? Wait...yeah her.'

"..ahhhh..." Her hazel eyes met mine in suprised and confused. Then realization hit her.

She smirked at me looking proud as fuck.
She gestured me with her hand to sit down across her.

No word came out of my mouth. My eyes only focused on the foods that was served beautifully in front of me. I could feel she stared at me as I ate the 3 layers of fluffy chocolates pancakes.

Shit! This's the best pancakes I've ever eat! I need this everyday!

The Girl With The Snapback(Lesbian Story)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now