Chapter 24

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"ELISEEEE!!!!" Was the first word that flew out of my mouth, as soon as I heard a loud gasp behind the sink which was unfortunately belonged to my wife

She looked directly to my buddy down there with an intense gaze, that got me cupped it immediately, but it was impossible to hide it completely know why

"What are you doing here!?!?!?" Oh shit! She would think that I was such a freak, she snapped out from her deep thought and shot a terror look on me

"I-I am s-so sorr-" "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!!" I felt a warm liquid sliding down my cheeks

You are suck a freak!! You think you can charm me with that thing?! Ewww Gross!!

In hurry I grabbed the robe that hung beside the shower. Elise stood sturbornly beside the sink, 'This girl....' Wearing an unreadable expression, not give a fuck about my demand

"I SAY GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!!" My wife flinched by my sudden rage, I felt pang of guilty hitting on me, because a single curse never slipped out from mine to her,

To my surprise, she didn't move an inch, she was suppose to feel scare, gross, tell me that I am some kind of monster and discard me

But she didn't

I dashed out of the bathroom and hid myself behind the bed, ashamed of my being

I am not going to touch that thing, there are reason why I'm gay! Don't look at me like that! Urghh I'm going to puke

Those words hunting me, just the thought of it made me miserable

Mira, maybe..I didn't remember her name, was my first, almost my first actually, I thought she was going to accept me unconditionly, that was the reason why I'm scared to tell Elise, I was afraid she would give the reaction as Mira

But at that moment I didn't care because I didn't love her, but this time it was the different, she was the reason I knew what is the meaning of love

Elise Johanna Miraz James

Mira was just a random people that I flirted with at school, and she was the one that made first move on me, so I just played along with her

Everything was great, until she commanded me a bold move, I was on the verge of lust, so I granted her order instantaneously

But then her face told me a horror story

"Skylar I am so so sorry... Please don't hate me... I wasn't suppose to be such a.......stupid pervert" Elise soothed me down as she embraced me firmly

"Are you going to leave me? Please don't because I-I lo-lve you....I love you Elise...please don't leave me" My cheeks stained with my warm tears as I pleaded with so much hope

"Why do think that I'm going to leave you?" She tucked my damp brunette behind my ear, and planted lovely kisses on my cheek

"Because I'm disgusting? I was born abnormal, different and a monster because I am a girl.....with a fucking dick attached to me! That is so fucked up!" Damn I would be freak out too if I found a man whom had a vagina

"No are not disgusting, please don't repeat that word anymore, and you're not abnormal or different, and way to far to be called a monster, you are unique, distinctive and special

"No matter what your condition is, I would still love you....yes Skylar I love you... so damn much...

"I'll never stop loving you, since I met you... my love to you only became stronger when I finally met you...after all those years..." Elise buried her head in my neck as she sobbed softly

The Girl With The Snapback(Lesbian Story)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now