Chapter 34

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Few days had past, my love still unconscious but her condition was getting better and stable, doctor informed us that Skylar could hear and feel all the touching things while in her unconscious

So he adviced us to always give encouragement words to help her fight the pain

"Elise, how is the test?" Camila asked with a wide smile as she rested her hand on my shoulder, I stood up and hugged her gently, tried to avoid squishing her baby bum

"It all positive!! Omg Cam!! I.AM.PREGNANT!!....I am pregnant!" I cried in happiness and placed both my palms on my stomach and Camila's

"Now your baby will have a friend...maybe they will be best friend like us!!" I gasped and bouched quitely in excitement

"Lee I am pregnant! I am so so so so so so happy baby! You're right...never give up in our fate...Sk-skylar wake hear me right?? P-please wake up..." The happiness suddenly broke in tears, looking at my wife still with her eyes shut

I hugged her upper body and sobbed into her shoulder, at the moment, I guided her hand to my stomach and let her touch it, the beep of the monitor sounded rapidly

"What happens?!? Doctor!! Call the doctor!!" I cried, held her hand tight as I kissed her head "Lee stay strong...for me...and our baby..." I whispered

Camila, doctor and two nurses arrived minutes later and I backed away from my wife for them

The doctor checked Skylar's condition and ordered the nurses to inject some kind of medicine to Skylar's body

"Doctor w-what happens?? Why her heart rate suddenly raised up?? She's going to be fine right??" I sobbed quitely, without breaking my eyes away from the love of my life

Dr. Fossey smiled to me then to Skylar and said "She is fine....can I ask you a question?" I nodded

"Did you say something to her?? I mean like any happy news???" with confusion and anxious consumed me, I replied "Yeah...I told her that I'm pregnant and guided her hand to touch my stomach....then suddenly that happened....what is going??" I curious

"I think Skylar was so delighted with the news and probaly that lead to the increase of her heart beat...probably in few weeks...she'll be the way congratulation for both of you" Gently he patted my shoulder and made his way out with nurses followed by

"Oh god...she got me worry like turned out that she was happy...Elise I have to go now...

"Skylar you better wake up for your pregnant wife now" Camila whispered the last statement and kissed her head, then she hugged me and walked out, leaving us alone


It was almost 2 months and half but Skylar still didn't wake up, and it started to worry me, when is she going to wake up?? Months without her was like hell

I missed her sweet talk to me, the way she kissed me, protected me in her arms.....everything

"Lee....when are you going to wake up? I miss you so bad....wake up Lee...w-wake up...." I hit her arm numerous time as I cried in her palm

All the cries drove me tired and before I realize, I already dozed off on her arm



Pain...all I felt was pain stabbing me, specifically on my back and my leg

I was awake, but it was all darkness around me, where am I ?? What happened to me??? Urgh! I tried to move my hands, my legs or any part of my body but I failed miserably

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