Chapter 26

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Andrew and I sat silently on the floor watching Elise and Camila cooed the boy on the sofa, they were literally disregarding us!

"Who is the cutest boy!?" Camila cooded the boy as she played with Jacob's tiny hands

"ME!!" My best friend raised up her hand and pointed himself desperatedly, but Camila just kept playing with the baby

"Yes it youuuu!" Elise joined Camila, ran her fingers through his raven hair, the boy laughed heartly with them

I looked to my left and saw Andrew glared the innocent boy, eyebrows in furrowed and pouted his lips

My wife then playfully tickled the his tummy as she cooed him

That boy took my place!

"Skylar?" Elise called me, I instantaneously straighten my back and looked at her with bright smile

"Yes babe!"

"Could you please take his bag" My wife gestured to Jacob's belonging on the coffee table, I slouched my back disappointedly

"...Sure..." With a pout, I handed the bag to her, she took out his toys and continued playing with him, didn't want to showed her my disappointment, I joined them played with Jacob

Andrew saw my action and decided to join too, four of us practically enjoyed spent time with  this kid until Camila's phone rang

"....Yeah?....can't you ask the others? I'll inform her" Camila then looked at us sadly

"Who called you Cam?" My wife asked as she played with Jacob's hair

"The head chief....he said he needs our help to handle the's urgent..I'll tell you later, come on.." Camila gestured my wife to get up from the sofa, Elise sighed and just simply nodded

The ginger hair girl handed the boy into Andrew's hands gently and get up

"Wait! Are you going to leave me alone with this boy and her?!" Andrew gasped at Camila while poking my forehead

"We have's just for a while...Elise lets go" Elise showed me a sad smile before she pecked my lips

The two chefs made their way to the door, leaving the boy with two employees

"What are we going to do now....." My best friend asked as if the world was about to end, slouched against the sofa while the kid played with his toys

I joined my best friend on the sofa and sighed "I don't know... It was supposed to be double date..." We stayed silent for a while thinking  how to rid the boredom

"Ice creamm!" Jacob disturbed the silent abruptly, Andrew and I looked at the kid confused

"What did you say bud? " Andrew lower his head to the boy

"I wunt Ice creammm!!" The boy shouted excitedly while swung the action figure to the air

"I think he wants you have one?" I shook my head, the boy started to cry as soon as he discovered the truth

"Shoot! Don't cry....don't cry!" Andrew shushed the baby, but the cries only get louder

"Sky do something?!" Andrew desperatedly urged me as he tried his best to stop the cries

"Argg...what should I-Ah huh! Let's go buy one!" I stood up abruptly, making the boy stopped crying and looked at me clueless

"Great idea! Lets go!" My best friend hopped off the sofa and swung the petite kid enthusiatically

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