Chapter 8

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Skylar's POV

"Skylarrr!" Elise whined for a thousand time. And me, as always being the cool of myself ignored this annoying girl behind me.

I'm glad that dad even prepared a car for us. The cool one. It was Range fucking Rover! And the sexy black colour of it just made me declare it as my baby.

Elise the annoying girl just couldn't keep her mouth shut the whole ride, She was like 'where are we going?','When did you buy this car','Are we there yet?' and blablabla.

Guess what? I didn't open my mouth not even once and didn't  givr her a single glance. So this girl talked to herself for the whole ride hoping to make a conversation with me.

But the thing is, me, Skylar fucking James tried to make the conversation but I didn't know what to say, yeah I know you might be thinking about asking her background. You know like what her favourite colour, her favourite food, movie and other typical thing you ask.

I just found it silly and unnecessary. What I'm trying to say is, I don't fucking care about her  childhood memories, about her favourite hobby, about her best friend or whatever she do in her life.

So why do you have to pretend like you are care? Why do you have to be fake?

Infact I don't care about her. Yeah I know her face like an angel and her body just too damn gorgeous.But she's just....weird?

I mean, she treated me like i'm someone special to her.We just got married and barely know each other. What if she plans something bad on me? We don't know right?

"SKYLARR!!" Elise's desperate shout echoed throught the silence air of the hill.

I brought her to the 'Amazing Edge' Well thats what Brian named the cliff. When I said why, he just said that it sounds cool.

I was five feet away from Elise trying to ignore her whine

The cliff was quiet hilly and rocky. So she must be enduring the pain on her naked feet as the sharp rocks keep stabing them.

This place was the worst place to wear heel. So she have to take off her stupid heel to walk better.

"Waitttt!!!" She begging me as our distance farther away.

I sighed and turned around."You insisted to come with me, So deal with it"I said flatly.

My feet move again toward the destination.

Suddenly, I didn't hear her annoying whine anymore. The feel of concern and afraid with the thought of something bad happens to her made my hands shaking uncontrollably.

I pushed my body around and my eyes wondered fiercely looking for a human figure I desire.

I found no one but a small girl curled up in ball sitting position.She was rubbing feets while her head buried between her knees.

The 12 feets distance became shorter as I walked fast to Elise.

"Are you ok?" I shook her shoulders gently. I got no respone which made me felt guilty.

Her body shook softly as muffle sobs could be heard from her.

Guilty that already burden on my shoulders heavier knowing that I caused the tears.

I lowered my body so my shoulders was the same level as her head.

"....I am so sorry...." I said bluntly as I checked her feet with my hand. Her tiny feet was red and puffy, by the look of it, I know that must be hurt and I am such a fucking asshole.

She still didn't give any reaction but crying and hid her face deeper between her knees.

Being a responsible I am, I turned around so my back facing her.

"W-what ar-e you d-oing?" Her voice sounded raspy and husky.

"Hop on" I said over my shoulder as I looked into her beautiful hazel eyes that surrounded with red lines.

At first, she was hesitated but jumped on my back anyway, as soon as her body pressed against my back, I stood up slowly and took off my converse.

I hold still my converse with my right hand that was under her leg and her heel with my other hand that was also in the same position of my right hand.

Her curiousity gaze was so intense that I could feel it behind my back when I pushed my right feet for a first step.'Fuckk! It's so damn hurt!'

The pain was increase when I walked faster,but I pulled a straight face and avoided all her questions.

"SKYLAR! Stop trying to be cool!! Put on your shoes no-" She tried to snap my converse when I cut her off.

"Calm down! No big deal, this is just a little punishment for my bitchy attitude okay?" Her body tensed down a little bit.

Her hands wrapped over my shoulders and she rested her head in the crook of my neck.

We were silence for a moment and admired the breathtaking view infront of us.

"...beautiful..." Elise breathed out.

"This is the worst and the best date ever" She blurted out matterly fact.

"Who say this is a date?" My eyebrow furrowed.

She hit my shoulder,quite strong. "Why do you have to be so mean?" Her hand wrapped tighten around me.

Then silence intruded us again, without us realize 'we' have been..I mean.'I' have been standing on the cliff for hours.

The view over here surely magnificent but it have no place to sit except the sharp ass rock underneath my feets.

Elise's weight was as light as feather(not literally)that was never bother me the whole hour.

"We should go now" I said still appreciated the view over my eyes.

Silence, did she ignore me? Or she didn't hear me? Which is impossible because she's right behind my 'back'.

"Elise?" I looked over my shoulder "Hurmmm?" She hummed with her eyes closed.

"I said we should go now." She nodded.

"Seriously? I carried you the whole time and you are the one who are tired?" A disbelief statement came out of my mouth.

"...I am so sleepy....I couldn't sleep last night...." She murmed buried her head deeply into the crook of my neck.

I sighed 'okay' and put on my converse.My 'baby' was parked 10 minutes away from the cliff, but it didn't bother me to walk over it.I'm kind of athletic person, so this is nothing to me.

Why didn't I park the car near the cliff? Well, I'm a big fan of cars and that new sexy beast my dad got for me just too precious for me to drive it over the terrible road.

"My parents want us to come over for dinner tonight, you okay with that?" I asked.

"...hurmmm..kay..." She whisper weakly.

The sound of wind fill the silence and I enjoyed it so much,the wind that smashed against my face brought pleasure to me.

"...your so nice..." Elise added out of the blue.

She then breathed calmly against my skin as sleep drifted her away.


The Girl With The Snapback(Lesbian Story)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now