Chapter 33

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" argument... interesting...and what a perfect time" a man laughed eeriely, he held the dangerous weapon dearly by his side as the flashback flowed in


"Adam I leave you not because of your....." The black eyes girl sheepishly pointed to Adam lower region "......not work anymore...but it's because I think I have to" Little did the boy know, the girl decided to break up with him because she noticed the change of the boy's mental health

Psycho, that what she thought, and she afraid of him, but deep in her heart, she still loved the boy so much

"LIAR!!! YOU BREAK UP WITH ME BECAUSE MY DICK IS BROKEN, am right?!?!?? You are such a bitch, SLUT!!!!" The blonde hair boy punched the girl's abdomen and leave her alone in pain

On the way back home, the boy plotted a revenge to the grey eyes girl but discovered that she moved out from California on the next day

Skylar kicked the boy's dick hard as she was saving Elise, till his dick didn't function anymore and it hurt his pride so much

And he blamed Skylar for that!


"As soon the bitch walks out, you're going to kill her right?" Scarlet beamed to Adam as they watching the brunette girl from afar

"Yeah yeah I'm going to kill her sweety.... then you can make your baby yours right?" She nodded excitedly, but what she didn't know was, he planned to kill her dearly bitch


"SKRLARRRR!!!! No no no no no.... baby..." I cried as I caught her from the falling, the man with a hoodie on laughed hysterically then said "YES!! I kill you just like I killed your friend, who's his name again?? Briason? Banson? Hah! Nobody's care!! HAHAHAHHA!" Adam aimed his gun again on Skylar

"No...please no I beggin-" The loud bang cut me off, he shot Skylar on the leg causing her collapsed on the ground instataneously

"Skylar no! No no...this is not happening..." I put her head on my lap and cupped her cheeks

"That bitch deserves it!" the hoodie man growled, and he didn't satisfy with it and aimed on Skylar again

"NO!! WHY YOU SHOT MY BABY!!" An unknown girl appeared from the darkness and hit the man

"Move bitch!! You're on my way!!" Andrew took the opportunity to kick the gun away and punched his face repeatedly until he unconscious

Then the girl hugged her knees on the ground as she trembling looking at Skylar

"Skylar...honey....stay with me...stay with me!..CALL THE AMBULANCE!!" I cried as I hugged her firmly

" y-you forgive me?" my love said breathless, tried her best to hold my hand

"Yes Lee! I forgive you, I'm sorry for not believing you... Skylar don't leave me...please don't leave me.." I shook her in attempt to make her stay awake

The ambulance and the police arrived several minutes later, Skylar trembling on the ground as she endured the agony

" baby has been shot....has been shot...has been shot...." The girl beside Skylar hugged her knees as she rocked her body back and forth watching my bleeding wife


Skylar was unconscious on they way to the hospital caused by a great lost of the blood, the shooter has been arrested while the girl was sent straight to the asylum, based on her history record

My love has been taken for a surgery to remove the bullets that were only an inch away from her heart and another was stucked in her calf

"Elise dear...oh my god how can this happened?" Cassandra cried as she and Richard gave me a hug

"S-she has been Skylar....s-she-" I broke into tears, they hurriedly guided me to the chair and held my hands "It was all m-my fault.." I sobbed uncontrollably

"No's nobody fault....she's a fighter and everything's going to be alright..." Richard comforted while hugging me

An hour later, my parents arrived, while Andrew and Camila have gone with the police to give explainations

The surgery took hours and I couldn't stand still, what if she not going to make it? No, She has to, my love towards her was to strong, I couldn't even imagine my life without her

"Family of Mrs. James?" I sprinted to the doctor as I dried my tears "Yes, how is my wife??? She is fine right?? RIGHT?? I WANT TO SEE HER NOW!!" my mom and Cassandra gripped my arms as I tried to pass through the doctor and looked at the love of my life

"Please calm down ma'am...everything is in  control, but urm...becau-"

"BUT WHAT!?!" The doctor looked terrify, his hesitation causing my heart beat hard and my body trembling as tears flowed down rapidly

She has to be FINE!

"Elise...he was about to explain honey....hear him out first.." I nodded weakly and said sorry to him

"Because of the great amount of the blood lost, her brain was lacked of oxygen and that's forcing us to be put her in coma probably took a long time to regain her conscious back....I can't promise you how long..I'm sorry...we had try our best" The doctor gave me a weak smile

The news made my heart dropped, why it turned out like this?

"Ca-can we see her now.....??" The doctor nodded and replied "Of course you can...but only 4 persons for one time...and please don't make any loud noise" I nodded weakly and said thank you for saving Skylar


My love laid in a vulnerable state with tubes in her nose, the beep sound filing the silence

My heart were shattering painfully inside seeing her like this, Skylar's face was pale and she looked so fragile

"Honey...we know you want to stay here to keep eyes on Skylar, so we'll bring the clothes and stuffs for you...we love you" Cassandra gave a soft kiss on my head while Richard stood there gave an assure smile

They walked to the door and leave

I looked down on my shirt that stained with Skylar's blood, I felt sick and gazed on Skylar

"Lee....I love much..p-please don't leave me..." I cried on her arm as I gripped her fingers lovingly and rubbed them


I woke up with a throbbing head and this nausea feeling in my stomach, Skylar still peacefully slept in the same state as last night

A loving kiss planted on her forehead and all over face.

As I caressing her face along with her brunette wave, out of nowhere I felt sick and nausea that made me wanted to throw up

Hurriedly I rushed to the bathroom and vomited terriblely, after for about 10 minutes, I found my way back next to Skylar but still with this uncomfortable sickness

A few encourage words whispered into her ears as I gently rubbed her forearm

"Lee please wake has been only for hours....but I already miss your voice, your beautiful eyes, your warm hug and everything about you....I love you....." I admited and kissed her hand that I held dearly in mine

"Don't leave me.."

The Girl With The Snapback(Lesbian Story)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now