Part 7

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Lara Jeans pov

"Can I borrow your headphones?" Jax asked me as we sat in study hall.

"Only if there's something in it for me." I smirked

"Deal." He replied as I handed him my headphones.

"What should you owe me?" I wondered thinking aloud

"I don't know but nothing too freaky." He laughed

"I was thinking you could buy me some food from Mijalisco?" I asked

"See that requires money and letting me borrow your headphones doesn't so that wouldn't be fair." He replied

"True." I smiled

"How about I hang out with you wherever yo I want but it can't cost money, that includes gas money." He stated

"Fine." I huffed, "I have a place in mind, meet me at our usual spot after your football practice."

"Okay." He replied then plugged in the headphones and ignored me the rest of study hall.


I walked to our usual spot which was equal walking distance from my house to his. I waited about two minutes until I saw his head poke through the dark shade of the trees.

"Finally." I smiled

"Hey I skipped out on Buffalo Wild Wings with the team for this just be glad I came." He stated making me laugh

"Well you owe this to me." I shot back

"True." He said, "So where are we going?"

"To my tree house." I answered as I grabbed his hand and led him to a tree house not too far from our spot. The tree house wasn't mine, technically it was the neighborhoods but barley anyone uses it anymore.

We crawled up that ladder and sat in the tree house chairs. It was smaller than I remembered but maybe it was because the last time I was in here was in seventh grade.

"So why were you at Kings Dominion with Owen the other day?" Jax asked

"Because he invited me and I had nothing better to do." I answered

"It seemed like you guys were getting pretty cozy." Jax mocked me knowing I hated it when he made fun of me for liking a guy other than him.

"You're just jealous I didn't go with you." I shot back. His face grew red but I knew this was only going to get worse.

"I didn't even invite you so it's not like you had any other options." He said

"Why are we fighting all the time? This isn't how it used to be, we were such good friends. What happened?" I wondered

"We grew up. Part of growing up is growing apart from friends we used to care for." Jax stated as he stood up about to leave. It hadn't even been five minutes and everything was already ruined.

"Don't leave." I begged grabbing his forearm. He turned and looked at my sad eyes. He knew that it hurt me when he said that, he knew how much I cared for him and he used it to his advantage. He sat back down and we sat in silence for a bit until he stood up again only this time he dragged me out of my chair.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"I think you know." He answered then he smashed his lips on mine. Our lips moved in sync until he pulled away. We had to catch our breath then I smiled, a little too big.

Why am I so awkward?

He then tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and held my head with his large hand. He pulled me close to him.

"I hope you know you and I will never stop knowing each other." He mumbled. My heart raced a mile a minute. Those words were the words I had been waiting for for years. I need assurance that he and I would always be close and always know each other and now I know.

"I should get going, I've got lots of homework." He stated letting me go. Just like that he disappeared and all was right with the world.

Well, for now.

The next day at school I walked in with a huge smile but it was quickly wiped off my face when I saw Jax and Bailey kissing by her locker.

I knew it, he was using me.

He only wanted what she couldn't give him at the moment.

I can't be the other girl.

I won't.

It took all the confidence I had to do what I did next.

I stormed up to them and cleared my throat and they pulled away from each other. Bailey had a satisfied smile on her face as Jax looked as smug as ever but I could see the guilt in his eyes.

"You're the biggest slut I've ever met. One minute your having sex with Bryce and the next your making out with Jax, pick a guy because we all know you won't get anything done hoeing around like that." I stated as Bailey stood there shocked

"Why pick one when I can have two?" She asked snickering

"Because in a few years you'll be a college drop out, you'll be pregnant with some lowlife druggies baby and you'll be wishing you could come back to your glory days in high school. Guess what Bailey, you peaked and this is it so make the most of it before you go off to live the same fate as your mother." I yelled then her face turned bright red.

"How dare you." She gasped. Jax stood there disgusted. Honestly I was a little disgusted with the fact that I had just did that but it felt so good to say.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." I whispered

"Oh don't lie, yes you did but you know what? I know you're jealous of me and my perfect figure, and perfect boyfriend because you know you'll never have either one. You'll never be as thin or as pretty as me, you'll just be some fat, bitch who eats doubles and hates on everyone whose better than her. Jax never liked you and he never will, get over it." She said then stormed off with Jax.

I sat there thinking abut the time I ordered doubles and Bailey made fun of me for it. For a majority of freshman year she got everyone to make pig sounds or stomp when they saw me. I would cry every day I got home from school but back then Jax would tell them to go fuck themselves or tell them how beautiful I was but not anymore. He only cared about his own measly reputation.

And it killed me.

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