Part 9

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Lara Jeans pov

I walked into school today getting death stares from most of the football players. It makes me mad because I didn't do anything, Jax did I just happen to be the reason he kicked their star quarterbacks ass.

Since it was game day the cheerleaders wore their uniforms to school and football players wore their jerseys, except for Jax. Jax was wearing a long sleeve royal blue shirt pushed half way up his fore arms and khaki shorts with his classic elites and Nike tennis shoes. He got some strange looks since he wasn't wearing his jersey but mostly everyone knew why.

Suzanne came bouncing over to me in her short cheer skirt and tight top.

"What do you think of the new uniforms?" She asked excitedly as she gave me a twirl

"It's a little revealing." I answered

"But it's cute right?" She wondered

"Yeah it's just really tight and short." I replied with a bit of a laugh

"Well as long as it's cute." She smiled then flicked her high pony off her shoulder. "So I heard Jax kicked Owens ass for you at practice last night."

"He didn't do it for me he did it for himself and it was really dumb." I said

"I don't know, it seems to me like he has feelings for you and was jealous of Owen." Suzanne stated

"He definitely doesn't have feelings for me he's with Bailey." I shrugged

"No they broke up as soon as she found out about the ass kicking, she said it was bad for her rep if people found out her boyfriend beat up a guy for another girl." She laughed

"God they're annoying. It's like one minute they're saying I love you and the next they hate each other." I scoffed

"Well at least he's single and ready to mingle with you." Suzanne winked making me laugh

"No that's a ride I couldn't survive." I said

"How so?" She wondered

"He'd break my heart like he has many times before only this time it would be ten times worse cause our friendship could end and I'm just not ready for that." I explained

"I wish you two would just get together already me and Daniel are already sick of the 'I think I like her but I'm not sure' and the 'I'm in love with him I just don't know how to tell him'. You two love each other just fuck already." She laughed

"I'm not going to have sex with Jax after all Daniels the one who called me a good little Christian girl." I smiled

"Oh I forgot about that." Suzanne laughed

Flashback to eighth grade

"I can't believe you're dating Amanda." I scoffed

"Why do you care?" Daniel wondered as he rolled his eyes

"Because she's a slut. She's been with like eight guys in the past four weeks and now you. She also got held back twice." I stated

"She only got held back once and it was two guys." Daniel replied with a smug look on his face.

"She's also annoying as fuck Daniel." Jax said as he sat on the couch.

"Well She sucks my dick so." Daniel shrugged

"Ew gross, didn't want to know that." Suzanne gagged. He sat there smirking at me knowing it annoyed me. Just the summer before he and I had been "talking" but then things ended fast when Jax started hanging out more and I grew a little crush for him.

"Yeah Daniel that's disgusting." I scoffed

"Well at least she does stuff with me unlike you, the good little Christian girl." Daniel shot back. I sat there shocked not sure of what to say.

"That's enough Daniel." Suzanne stated

"Well she's the one who was making fun of my girlfriend." Daniel replied

"More like your whore." Jax mumbled

"You know what, you guys are just jealous because I'm in a relationship with a hot girl who does what ever I say." Daniel said

"Nope that's not it at all. We all just hate her because she's a slut and she asked to fuck around with me way before she even looked your way so I wouldn't think too highly of her." Jax explained as he scrolled through his Instagram. As he looked up he saw the anger on Daniels face and instantly regretted what he said.

"I'm going to go." Daniel sighed as he began to get up

"No Daniel don't go, we were just making light hearted jokes towards your girlfriend. We actually love Amanda just not the stuff she does." Suzanne said

"I'll see you guys at school on Monday." Daniel waved then he was gone.

Flashback ended

As soon as that memory slipped out of my head I saw Daniel walking next to Amanda.

Oh no

After eighth grade ended they broke up and it was an emotional one. She went around and told everyone that Daniel had a small dick and was a terrible kisser.

Let's just say no girl has showed an interest in him until May of last year.

He was laughing at some joke she just made and when I made eye contact with them Amanda through a fake smile and Daniel had a lol of panic knowing I was going to make fun of him later.

"Hey how's it going?" I asked them

"It's okay I guess. I haven't seen you in forever. You, Daniel, me, Jax, and Suzanne should hang out sometime." Amanda suggested

"Definitely." I replied not really meaning it. Amanda always tried to hang out with us but since only one of us (Daniel) liked her we always made some excuse not to.

"How about we all go to the mall this weekend. I need some new jeans and some advice from some friends." She stated

"I don't know if this weekend works." I sighed

"You were just telling me how bored you would be this weekend unless Jax and I came with you and Suzanne to the mall so why not include Amanda." Daniel replied with a smug look

"Oh that's right I forgot. You definitely should come." I suggested

"Sounds like a plan!" Amanda exclaimed then ran off to her class.

"So you and Amanda again?" I asked Daniel

"I don't know, maybe. It's just last time she really hurt me but I think she's changed." Daniel explained

"Whatever you say." I smiled then went to class.

I'm actually looking forward to going to the mall this weekend. Not just because of the huge sale at American eagle for their jeans but to see the new and improved Amanda.

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