Part 14

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Lara Jean's pov

"Yes of course I do baby." Jax replies wrapping his arm around her.

The words stung like a million bees when they escaped his mouth. I can't believe he would side with her when I've been there for him ever since we were little.

We were all waiting in the principals office when Bryce came stumbling out. He had a large grin on his face and a faculty member was pushing him out of the room. He was obviously intoxicated and he needed to go, but did that mean he wanted to?

Definitely not. Knowing Bryce he's gonna put up a fight to get what he wants.

We sat and waited another five minutes and then the principal called us all in.

We each took a seat and sat in silence until he was ready.

"I heard that there was some foul language and physical contact happening in physical education class?" The principal asked rhetorically.

"There was no physical contact." Suzanne huffed remembering how Caitlyn pretended Suzanne put hands on her.

"There was however, some foul language." Daniel stated

"We have a strict no fighting policy in this school that could land you an automatic suspension. So I'm going to ask one more time, was there any fighting?" Mr. Larson asked

"There was no fighting. Caitlyn was upset about loosing knock out to Lara Jean so she threw a temper tantrum." Daniel answered

"I didn't throw a temper tantrum!" She exclaimed

"Ms. Stevens please calm down." Mr. Larson said causing Caitlyn to shrink in her seat.

"Look, Mr. Larson, we are just trying to have fun in gym but this wrongful accusation of fighting is keeping us from that." Jax stated

"Okay, I'll let you all go if you promise to keep it together in class." Mr. Larson replied

"Yes sir." Everyone smiled then quickly escaped his office.

"Well that was fun." Caitlyn laughed while everyone turned to glare at her.

"Caitlyn just shut up. You were the reason we all had to sit through that and thanks to you, he thinks we are white trash." Suzanne shot back.

"What is your problem with me?" She asked

"My problem is that you walk into this school like you own it and you cause trouble everywhere you go. Not only that but you took our best friend from us. He's changed, and not for the better." Suzanne explained then Caitlyn's face flushed red.

"She didn't change me." Jax mumbled

"Then please explain why you have been such a douche bag to Lara Jean or why you actually joined the football team." Suzanne asked

"I joined the football team so I could impress Caitlyn, so she would think that I'm not just the idiot looser she left me as. Also I haven't been a douche to LJ, I have no idea what your talking about." He replied

"Yes you have." I said under my breath.

"How?" He wondered

"You told me our kiss meant nothing." I replied

"You kissed her!?" Caitlyn screamed

"You sat and watched us kiss Caitlyn." He said

"But apparently you were with him when we kissed the other time." I stated with my eyes locked on Jax's

"JAX HOW COULD YOU!?" She cried

"It was just a kiss Caitlyn." He sighed

"It obviously wasn't. I see the way you guys look at each other, there's obviously some unfinished business. Maybe we should break up Jax."

"Caitlyn no-"

"Save it, what's done is done." After that she walked away and joined the rest of the gym class.

"I can't believe you LJ." He glared then followed after Caitlyn. Was that really the end of Caitlyn & Jax? Were they officially over? Would I finally have a shot?

"What just happened?" Suzanne asked kind of shocked

"I think they're over." Daniel smiled

"I don't know guys, he's pretty head over heels for her." I sighed

"C'mon LJ yo hand Jax are meant to be we all know it." Suzanne reassured me

"No we aren't he wants the popular sluts not some nerdy girl he grew up with." I huffed

"In order to be nerdy to you have to be smart." Daniel intervened and Suz glared at him.

"I think Jax needs some time alone before I can even think about getting with him." I replied as i walked into the locker room to change into my everyday clothes.

I walked out of the locker room alone and the bell hadn't rung yet but I just had to get out before Caitlyn found me.

As I rounded a corner I felt a large hand grip my arm and yank me towards them.

"You're coming with me sweet heart."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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