Part 13

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Lara Jeans pov

A few days after Caitlyn's welcome back party things began to settle down. People were less excited about Caitlyn's sudden return, and Jax was less antsy about it.

I was sitting in lunch enjoying my chicken salad sandwich when Suzanne slammed a lunch tray on the table.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Oscar." She huffed

"What happened?" I wondered

"He texted me last night about how how this girl called him 'broski' once and he was so afraid that he got friend zoned but then ended up dating the girl. Pretty funny story, right? Well as I was about to go to bed he texted me 'later broski'." She complained

"Well maybe he was like 'if I call her broski she'll think I'm friend zoning her like that one girl did to me and then we'll date'." I replied

"I doubt it." She sighed

"Don't doubt yourself, you're gorgeous and he would be lucky to be yours." I stated

"Thank you." She smiled then Jax came strutting in with Caitlyn under his arm and Daniel laughing beside him. Just like that our old friend group was divided in half all because of one girl: Caitlyn.

Daniel saw us and made a move to come sit with us until Amanda came running up and whisked him away.

Had we been replaced?

Were their girlfriends suddenly more important than their best friends?

I should've seen this coming.

Shockingly Caitlyn came and sat with me and Suzanne. Shortly after Amanda came skipping over and plopped into the seat right next to Caitlyn.

Jax and Daniel were talking to some guys on the football team and would be over soon enough.

"So you guys know Daniel & Jax better than us, what are they like in bed?" Caitlyn wondered as Amanda eagerly awaited our answer

"Uh we've never slept with them, I don't know where you would get that idea from, plus haven't you and Jax had sex before?" Suzanne busted out laughing

"Yes but you and Jax seem to have a special connection, Lara Jean." Caitlyn smirked at me

"Jax and I? Never." I laughed

"I don't know, I see the way you look at him." Caitlyn replied trying to get me to reveal my crush on Jax, which wasn't going to work.

Jax and Daniel finally walked over and I was able to relax. The whole lunch Caitlyn shot daggers at me with her eyes and I felt uncomfortable.

As soon as lunch ended I bolted out with Suzanne and we walked to our last block class, gym. We loved gym class mostly, except for the fact that Caitlyn was in here.

Don't get me wrong, we like Caitlyn but not when she's dating Jax. When she's dating Jax she acts like she owns him and is super protective over him.

Suzanne and I walked out of the locker room in our gym suits and lined up at the basketball hoop waiting for knock out to start.

"Do you still have feelings for Jax?" Suzanne asked

"No." I replied

She rolled her eyes, "It's just that at Caitlyn's welcome back party during spin the bottle it seemed to me that you guys have some unfinished business."

"No we don't." I huffed then Caitlyn came running up to us.

"So what are we doing?" She wondered

"Waiting for knockout to start then after someone wins we are going to do stretches then run some." Suzanne answered

"Sounds easy enough, doubt I'll break a sweat." She bragged then flipped her hair and trotted over to some cheerleaders.

"Goodness she's only been her for two weeks and she already owns the place." I whined

"Soon enough no one will care about her. Everyone is just excited because she's new it'll die down soon enough." Suzanne reassured me.

Towards the end of knockout here were only three of us left, me, Caitlyn, and some girl named Jessica. I somehow managed to make a perfect swish into the basket before Jessica could even attempt a layup and she sighed as she walked to sit down. Caitlyn and I went back and forth with our shots. By now the whole gym was watching and cheering us on. I could feel Jax' stars on me as I kept swishing the net. Then out of nowhere Caitlyn missed her basket and as she scrambled for the ball I made a perfect free throw shot and the whole gym cheered.

I have to admit it did feel good to beat Caitlyn at something. When I went over to talk to Suzanne I could hear Caitlyn crying.

"She cheated Jax it's not fair!" She exclaimed

"It's just a silly game C, don't worry you can beat her next time." Jax reassured her

"Hold on how did she cheat?" I heard Daniel ask

"She knocked the ball out of my hand so it would roll away giving her enough time to make the basket." Caitlyn explained

My jaw dropped. I never even touched her how dare she lie like this.

"I never saw her touch you." Daniel said. Thank god for Daniel, at least someone is on my side.

"Are you calling my girl a liar?" Jax asked as he puffed out his chest ready to punch him.

"No jax chill, I'm saying it's just a misunderstanding, LJ would never cheat at something as stupid as knock out." Daniel replied

"Whatever she's a cheater and I can't believe you guys are friends with her." Caitlyn scoffed.

"And who the fuck made you the queen of England?" Suzanne asked as she stepped into the argument.

"Get away from me you crazy bitch!" Caitlyn screamed acting as if Suzanne had put her hands on her.

"Chill the fuck out Caitlyn no one touched you." Suzanne shot back

"Girls! Step away form each other now! I want all of you to report to the principals office, NOW! And that includes you Lara Jean." One of the gym teachers screamed

"This is all your fault Lara Jean." Caitlyn gritted through her teeth

"That makes no fucking sense, you started the fight Caitlyn." Daniel rolled his eyes.

"You believe me, right?" Caitlyn asked Jax. He hesitated for a second but what came out of his mouth next shattered my heart.

"Yes of course I do baby."

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