Part 12

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Lara Jeans pov

A few days after I found out about Jax and Caitlyn, rumors started going around school that she was coming back.

"There's no way she's coming back." I said to Suzanne hoping that I was right.

"No she is." Suzanne replied popping a grape into her mouth as she scrolled through her phone at lunch.

"How do you know?" I asked

"She bought the house that's been on the market for a while a few houses down from mine." Suzanne causally stated

"Even better, she'll be living right near Jax and going to the same school as him." I huffed

"Why does it matter? You don't like him anymore, right?" She wondered

"Yeah, I don't. When's she moving in?" I questioned

"December second." She answered

"As in a week from today or next year?" I was praying next year but I knew she was going to say a week from today and when she did my heart dropped.

Suddenly Jax walked into the cafeteria with Caitlyn attached to his arm. They were laughing about something he had just said and then she made eye contact with me. She waved at us and I threw a fake smile back at her.

She pointed over at us and when Jax looked he shook his head and lead her towards the football guys. At first I was a little offended that he didn't want to sit with us but I was also kind of happy so I didn't have to sit near his whore.

"I thought she wasn't moving in until next week!" I whisper shouted at Suzanne

"I must've gotten the dates wrong, sorry." She apologized half heartedly. Defeated by her unawareness of the tragedy of this situation I stood up and walked out of the cafeteria trying to get as far away from Jax as I could.

Later that day I got a text from Suzanne stating that Jax is having a welcome back party for Caitlyn tonight after his practice and that I should come. Of course I said I didn't want to but Suzanne talked me out of it saying I had to be there for her and Daniel, and most importantly Jax.

I got home from school and sat in my room watching the office until I decided that I should start getting ready for the 'party'. I slipped into some ripped skinny jeans with a tight black long sleeve shirt. I put my black old skool vans on and curled my hair.

Around 6 o'clock I got in my car and drove to Jax's. When I pulled up there were football players walking in along with some cheerleaders. There were some people I had never seen before and the music was so loud you could hear it down the street, it was madness.

I walked in and immediately found Suzanne. She was on the couch with Oscar and they were all over each other.

"Save room for Jesus." I intervened making Oscar laugh and Suzanne roll her eyes.

"I hate it when you say that." Suzanne sighed making Oscar and I laugh.

"So Where's the guest of honor?" I wondered trying to act like I didn't care too much.

"She's coming in a few minutes." Suzanne answered taking a sip from her red solo cup. As she said that Caitlyn walked in and everyone cheered. She was wearing a tight black cocktail dress with strapped hooker shoes and her hair was straight as a stick.

Jax popped out of the kitchen and bent down to kiss her. Everyone clapped for them as they broke from the kiss. Jax made eye contact with me and I turned my head away trying not to let him see the pain in my eyes.

Throughout the night people kept filtering in and out but I remained on the couch just waiting for time to pass.

Why am I even here?

Just as I was about to get up and leave Suzanne suggested that we play spin the bottle to reminisce our middle school days. Obviously she'd had a little too much to drink but everyone was in for it. I joined in the circle and sat between Suzanne and Daniel. Oscar was across from Suzanne hoping he would have a better chance of the bottle landing on her.

Caitlyn got first spin since she was the guest of honor and it landed on a tiny blonde cheerleader who's name I could not remember.

"Are we doing same sex kisses or do we re-spin?" Caitlyn asked

"You get what you get and you don't through a fit." One of the football players answered and some guys started laughing. The amount of alcohol in everyone's system was insane so who knew what was going to happen tonight.

Caitlyn leaned over the bottle and kissed the blonde cheerleader. Of course she took it to the next level and stuck her tongue down the poor girls throat.

"Hot." The football guys murmured

"Your next Cheryl." Jax said as the blonde cheerleader sat back down. She spun it and it landed on Owen. She leaned and kissed him lightly then he spun. His landed on a brunette cheerleader named Nicole. He kissed her a little too intensely then the game continued. Kiss after kiss the game grew boring. When some girls landed on Jax she awkwardly kissed him then it was his turn. He spun the bottle and I sat and prayed that it wouldn't land on me.

And with my luck, it did. He and I exchanged an awkward glance then before I knew it his lips were on mine. I tried not to make my side of the kiss look too eager but I couldn't help myself.

Somebody cleared their throat stating that it had been a little too long of a kiss. Jax sat back down and it was my turn to spin. I spun and it landed on some random football player. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and shortly after that the game ended.

Everyone began to leave but I decided to stay and help Jax clean up. Oscar and Suzanne were cuddled up in Jax's old recliner giggling about god knows what while Caitlyn was passed out on the couch.

"So are you excited that Caitlyn's back?" I asked

"I guess so. It'll be nice to be going to the same school as my girlfriend." He smiled

"Wait you guys are...together?" I questioned

"Yeah, we've been together for a while now we just kept it on the DL." He replied

"So you were cheating on Bailey with Caitlyn?" I wondered

"Again, no. Caitlyn and I hooked up a few times every time Bailey and I broke up but when Bailey and I officially ended I made things official with Caitlyn." Jax answered

"So when you and I kissed you were with Caitlyn?"

"Yes but it was just a kiss LJ."

"So you cheated on her with me."

"Oh my goodness. No. It was just a kiss Lara Jean. When we kissed during spin the bottle that wasn't cheating so how was the other one any different?" He huffed

"Because it meant something." I mumbled a little hurt.

"LJ you live in the past it's time you begin living in the future and put whatever happened between us aside." Jax said as he put his hand on my shoulder then continued to pick up trash.

He's right, I do live in the past and I don't let things go. Ever. But does this mean he never liked me? That he was just using me to fulfill his sexual needs?

I mean we never had sex but the kissing and stuff, that's sexual, right?

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