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I wake up a few minutes later; at least I think it's been a few minutes. The mud tries to suck my face off as I lift it from the ground. I moan and spit dirt off my tongue. My throat is dry but everything else is wet and heavy. The rain gently touches my skin, as if to ask me if I'm alright. Henry is on his back passed out but I can hear his breathing so I know he's alive. I see the shadow of his plaid cap in the mud next to his head. I remember that he was bleeding and I wonder if he has a concussion.

I need to get help but now we're both on the wrong side of the river. The nearest farm is on the other side of the hill over a mile away. If we were on the other bank it would only be a short walk down the road to Mr. Melberry's farm to get to help. "What am I supposed to do?" I ask angrily. Tears spring to my eyes but the rain wipes them away before I can taste them. I'm scared. I don't want to admit it, but I'm absolutely terrified. Not just for Henry, but because something is happening to me that I can't deny, something that should be impossible. I pull my legs to my chest and hug them close to my body. Shivering scared and cold, I listen to the churning river. I'm almost angry that I can still feel its call.

"Go away," I say to it and drop my head against my knees. "Please just leave me alone."

I bet you're excited, you don't have to hide who you are for much longer. Misfit. Freak. Tyler's voice fills my head.

"I'm not a Misfit. I'm not." My words are lost in the rain. Henry moans next to me. I look up and lean over him. "Henry?" I ask softly.

His head turns towards me slightly, but his eyes aren't quite looking at me, then I remember that its dark and he's been hit on the head. He probably can't see a thing. "Is that you Adie?"

"Yes, it's me," I say and reach for his hand. He surprises me by holding onto me tightly. I hear his breathing settle a little bit.

"What's happened?" he asks.

"You were in an accident. The river flooded and the old bridge has washed out..." I bite my cheek. I can't exactly tell him the details. I pray he doesn't ask. "Are you hurt?"

"My head is pounding something fierce and my leg...I think it's broken," he groans and closes his eyes. A grimace is set firmly in his features. My eyes shift to his leg. I don't see any bones protruding. I take that as a good sign. Henry is shaking and that's when I realize that I'm not anymore. The rain feels like a warm summer shower instead of a cold late fall downpour. I try not to think about what that means. I try not to think about what any of this means.

"We need to get you help, Henry. I don't know what to do," I tell him honestly.

"Where are the dogs?" he ignores me and asks.

"I don't know," I admit.

"We need to find them," he says and tries to sit up, but he just collapses back against the ground.

I frown. "Henry, don't worry about the dogs. You're hurt, you need help first," I say.

"No, the dogs, they'll be scared," he says angrily. Then I realize he's going into shock, my heart speeds up and I squeeze his hand tighter. I wish would pass out again. I can't leave him to get help if he's going to try to keep getting up. The rain rips itself into my vision so I can see Henry clearly, then everything goes black.

"Henry?" No response. I drop my head to his chest. He's still breathing. I pry my fingers out from his grip and stand up. I have only two choices. I can run over the hill and go to the nearest farm. Or I can try to cross the river again and get help from Mr. Melberry. I face the river, unsure if I have the strength to face it, but I know I have to try. With bare feet and wet heavy jeans it will take too long for me to get over the hill. Even then I'd have to try to explain everything to the people on the farm. Mr. Melberry knows me. He'll act first and ask questions later if he knows Henry is in trouble.

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