OLD VERSION Chapter 12

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The man places a thin soft blanket over my body. I feel the fabric against my skin, but my back seems to have gone numb. It's a relief from the pain, even it were permanently numb I would not complain. "Rest for a bit, I'll be back for you." I hear the cell door scream open and then all is quiet. I press my cheek against the floor and let the cool seep into warm skin. I let out a deep breath and my body shuts down.

My body flinches when the door opens again. I'm not sure how long I've slept but my brain feels fuzzy and my body feels heavy. I lick my lips and try to sit up when I remember that only a thin blanket keeps my body covered. So I stay where I am.

"Are you awake?"


"Good, I've brought you some clothes, it's not much but it's all I could find."

"I don't know if I can..." I say embarrassed. My back isn't hurting me, but that doesn't mean my body is better. I feel the effects of the blood I lost. I feel the drain on my body and mind. I want to curl up and go back to sleep, but I refuse my body, because I understand what this man is offering me. I know that even if it means walking through hell and possibly dying I will take the risk.

"Let me help you."

He helps me sit up and despite the fact that I'm almost one hundred percent positive its pitch black in here, he keeps the blanket draped over my shoulders. The pants are too big and are made of some rough fabric, but he puts a belt around my waist so they'll hold. The shirt he helps me put on is also too big. He pulls a hoodie over my head and for the first time in a long time, I feel like a real person.

"I couldn't find any shoes." He says.

"It's fine." I drop the blanket and rub my hands together, slowly feeling the heat build up around my body. I've forgotten what it's like to be warm.

"There's one more thing." His voice is hushed even though we are alone in a concrete cell, "I'm going to give you a shot, it works like an antidote against the drug they've been giving you." I'm not sure what drug he's talking about but I say OK anyway. I don't care what he does. I just want to get out of here. I hardly feel the small prick of the needle on my arm. My tolerance to pain at least, has increased.

"Can you walk?"

"I don't think so." I hate admitting it, but I'm having trouble standing up. I'm afraid if I try to take a step I'll just topple over like a broken doll.

"Wait here a moment." The door screeches and there is silence a moment. "OK the coast is clear. I think it will be best if I carry you." He presses his back to my stomach and pulls me onto his back. I wrap my arms around his neck and he lifts my legs. My back is still numb, but I have some strange feeling that it's just an illusion, that right now if I woke up I'd be immobilized and screaming. I'm too tired to lift my head I put my chin against his shoulder, the collar of his jacket tickles my cheek.

He runs, well, he goes as fast as he can with me on his back. But from the way his footsteps fall I can tell he's making good time. He stops randomly, I can only guess to check to make sure it's all clear, before he takes off again. His breathing remains strong and steady, and his muscles bunch and loosen under my skin. Whoever he is, he's in good shape. Soon his footsteps turn to echoes and he slowly sets me onto the floor. I sway on my feet. "Stay here, I'm going to make sure the way is clear." I hear the sound of trickling water and then I hear his feet splash into it. It doesn't sound deep, but its still water, the sound fills me with an emotion I haven't felt since before I came here, peace.

He comes back, "Alright lets go." He takes my hand but I stop him.

"I can walk now."

"Are you sure?"

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