NEW VERSION Chapter 28

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While there are signs of spring everywhere, the morning is cold around me. The river carried me safely in its embrace until my knees finally hit land a mile outside the facility. I lie on the frozen earth and watch the building at a safe distance. Sunrise is still an hour away but there is enough light for me to see. I push the cold from my thoughts and watch the perimeter fence. I can hear the buzz of electricity from here, they aren't messing around.

Soldiers with large black and brown dogs walk the fence every fifteen minutes. Even as I watch a black car with tinted windows rolls up to the fence and soldier walks out of his post. The window rolls down and the soldier waves him through and the gates open. I my eyes trail the car to where it parks and two Handlers emerge from the vehicle and walk through the doors. I shiver and look back at the gate.

I tried going back through the drain but in the time since our escape they have filled it with concrete. There is no easy way to do this, but somehow I have to figure out a way to get inside, save Aiden, escape again, and not die in the process. I take a breath and shiver, my fingers have numbed along with my nose and ears. The trees are bare and I know when the sun rises I'll be more visible from the tress, I can't stay here indefinitely.

"Come on, Adie," I whisper to myself. "There's an answer here. Think."

I'm not a trained soldier, I know I don't stand a chance against a regiment of trained men, but I also have my own weapon. Henry said I was only human. I might still bleed like one, but I'm a Misfit. I slowly crawl backwards into the woods and when I'm far enough back I stand up and make my way back to the creek.

I step into the water and sit down. At my touch the ice cold water warms and soon after steams begins to rise off the surface. I close my eyes and take a breath. Find Aiden. My conscious stretches into the water and I press myself out away from my body. I press my connection into every source of water within the facility and the maze below.

IV pouches, toilets, sinks, drains, a cup of coffee cooling on a desk; I push myself outward until my head starts to pound and each image flashes across my mind. Then I see him, surrounded by concrete and hanging on chains. His shirt is torn and he's beaten and blood but alive. The room brings dark memories and I struggle to hold the connection against the onslaught of my own fear. The water approaches Aiden's foot and rolls up to his body until it rests on his temple. Aiden. I feel only a slight hint of his consciousness. Aiden. He doesn't stir so I drop the water onto the floor and find a larger source from a trough on the wall.

I push my consciousness further until my physical body is a distant feeling. I stand up and step out of the trough and walk to him. I press my hand against his cheek. Aiden. Wake up. He still doesn't move so I walk to the wall and lower the chains. I unlock the shackles around his hands and throw the chains aside. I touch his face again and push myself into his mind, wake up!

Aiden's eyes flicker open and he takes a sharp breath. He focuses on me and scrambles backward. "What the—?" I stand and his eyes follow me warily. I hold out my hand and offer it to him. He frowns, his eyebrows slowly drawing together. "Adie?" he asks tentatively. I nod and he looks me up and down. "How in hell are you doing that?" he asks and takes my hand. When he makes connection I can feel his consciousness again.

I don't really know, I say honestly. But I'm here to get you out.

He keeps ahold of me so we can communicate. Where are you?

Outside the facility, I tell him.

Are you safe?

For now, I reply and take a second to focus on my physical body sitting in the creek unharmed. Are you strong enough to walk? I ask.

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