NEW VERSION Chapter 17

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"Adie," I hear Henry calling my name. "Adie, wake up."

"Mmmmm." I push my head further into the pillow and attempt to return to my dream. I know it was a good one even though I don't remember it.

"Adie wake up."

"Just give me another five minutes," I mumble.

"Adie," the voice is louder and sharper.

I open my eyes. It's not Henry. "Get out!" I scream and sit up. Aiden steps back, hands up in surrender.


I hold the blankets with one hand and grab a pillow with the other. I throw it at his head but he ducks and it hits the wall instead. "-out!"


"Out!" Another pillow flies and he ducks.

"Stop!" He shouts before I can throw the alarm clock at him. Aiden is looking me straight in the eyes. The grogginess leaves my body in a blink, I'm suddenly alert and chilled with fear. "What is it?" I demand and jump out of bed, fighting with the tangled blankets that have wrapped around my feet. Aiden jerks his eyes to the ceiling and turns his back to me. I look down and blush. I grab a blanket from the bed and wrap it around myself. My cheeks flame hotter with shame and embarrassment.

"The man from the front desk came into my room this morning with a gun," Aiden says, talking to the ceiling. He stares at a single dark spot intently and doesn't move.

"Why?" I demand.

"I'm not sure," Aiden says. "I think he might have realized who I was."

"Let me get dressed. Don't you dare turn around," I tell him and edge my way to the bathroom. Aiden doesn't move, he hardly breathes. I grab my clothes from the shower rod and dress quickly. My heart start to race and I grab my bag off the floor when I'm done dressing.

"Ready," I tell him.

Aiden opens the door and I follow him next door. He pulls out a key to unlock his room. "How did you get into my room?" I ask suspiciously.

"Locks aren't a problem for people like us, Adie." He holds the door open and I step into the room. It's identical to mine only flipped like a reflection. A man is lying on the floor unconscious near the bathroom. His chest rises and lowers and I walk over to him.

I look to Aiden. "What happened?" I ask.

"I acted out of instinct. He had a key so I didn't wake up until the gun was pressed up my head. Then the thought of what you did to the cop came to my mind and he collapsed...he won't wake up now," Aiden stands near the window, arms folded across his stomach like he might be sick. He stares at the man as though he's a ghost come to life. "He won't wake up," he says quieter to himself. I watch Aiden carefully as his eyes glaze over. It's a look that I've seen before and it terrifies me. I step towards him slowly, one hand outstretched. Careful as though he is a wild horse ready to bolt.

"Aiden?" I ask softly. He's gone still.

"They don't come back," he whispers hoarsely. "They won't have to feel anything anymore. It's easier for them." Whatever he's seeing I know it's not this hotel room.

"Aiden," I say a little more firm. I need him to snap out of whatever is grabbing for him.

"They all disappear," he says. "We all disappear."

I step closer and he looks up at me confused like I don't belong. I slap him. "Aiden," I say loudly and grab his shoulders.

He blinks and his eyes start focusing. I nod. "That's right, snap out of it. I'm here and I-I can't do this alone. You have to make sure you stick around so I can kill your ass whenever I want, remember?"

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