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Henry has to stay at the hospital for two days. Gretchen drags me home in the old Cadillac that used to come out only for Sunday drives. She cooks meals and takes them the Henry but I'm forced to stay behind at home. Jack at least, makes for good company. He doesn't boss me around or tell me to clean something or call me Misfit. Most of the time he just sits with me in the kitchen where the sun shines onto the floor and I pet him. Occasionally I'll put on a hoodie and we'll walk to the barn and feed the sheep. Jack watches them intently, but their already in a pen and there is no need for him chase them. To get his energy out I throw an old ball in the field for him. I make sure I toss it downhill so it takes more energy for him to bring it back.

There's been no sign of Missy. We think she might've fallen into the river and been swept away, but there's a part of me that isn't sorry for it. She didn't like me and I'm just glad Jack is alright. When my fingers are cold and wet with dog slobber we head back to the house. I warm up a plate of leftovers that Gretchen left for me and pour a few scoops of food into Jack's bowl. We eat together in silence and when I eat my fill I put the plate on the ground and let Jack have the rest. Gretchen would pop a blood vessel if she saw Jack eating of her dinnerware. I smile and clean my dishes and put them away in their proper place.

Jack follows me to the hallway and I pick up the phone and call Trish. I sit on the stairs and Jack lies down next to me so I can pet him easily with my free hand. The phone is picked up on the second ring. It's not who I'm hoping for.

"Hello?" Tyler answers.

"Can I talk to Trish please?" I'm half tempted to hang up and call back another time.

There's a snicker, "Nice of you to call me."

"Just give the phone to Trish," I tell him.

"Ask me nicely," he retorts.

"Please," I say through gritted teeth.


"Fine, goodbye," I go to hang up.

"Wait, I heard about Henry. I'm sorry," Tyler says loud enough for me to hear him.

"Sure you are," I tell him. I don't believe for a second that Tyler has a heart big enough to care.

"Hey, just because you're a Misfit freak doesn't mean I want anything bad to happen to Henry or Gretchen, they're good people. Just make sure you don't do something stupid to get them hurt."

"I-am-not-a-Misfit," I say slowly and clearly. My hand is in a fist on my knee.

"Whatever you say...have you given any thought to my offer?" he asks suggestively.

"You can stick it up a piece of ice for all I care," I say angrily.

"Is that an invite?"

"JUST PUT TRISH ON THE FUCKING PHONE!" I yell through the receiver. Jack lifts his head at my distress. I want to kick Tyler hard in the balls.

"Um, hi?" It's Trish's voice.

"Oh...hi...sorry, when did you get here?" I ask embarrassed. How much did Trish hear?

"Just now, Tyler handed me the phone. Give me second, I'll switch to the cordless and go upstairs." A few seconds later Trish is back. "Can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear," I say.

"Sweet, so what's up?" she asks. I can hear her bed creak through the phone.

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