Chapter 3

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The message said:


Upon seeing you sitting alone on a bench looking quite destitute, the benevolent Prince of Aregano, Prince Coleman the first, decided to extend his generosity and declared that you should be offered a paid position in the Aregano Castle as a maid. If you accept this position, please call at this number.


I was in shock. First off, had I really looked that desperate as I sat on the bench? And secondly... I couldn't believe that I had randomly, as if an answer to my prayers, been offered a job. I had never worked as a maid, and didn't particularly enjoy cleaning...but I was not so spoiled as to turn this down.

If I were to work in the royal castle, I should be paid nicely, and maybe even be given a place to stay!

I dialed the number, each ring spreading ripples of anxiousness into me.

"Hello?" a voice answered on the other end. It was a smooth voice with that lovely accent all the people here seemed to have.

"H-hello. My name is Cassandra Carmichael. I just received a letter that I've been offered a job as a maid at the castle. Is this true?"

I would die if it was some cruel prank.

"Yes. Thank you for calling, Miss Carmichael. My name is Lucas Prescott, and I am the personal butler to Prince Coleman. I assume you are interested in accepting the job?"

"Yes, I am! When would I begin work?"

"You may come tomorrow morning at 7 AM sharp," Lucas-the-Butler informed me.

"Okay. Um, I'm wondering, will I live at the castle in the servants' quarters?"

"Yes. Will that be a problem?"

"No, not at all! That's actually really, really perfect," I sighed happily.

Lucas-the-butler continued to give me instructions on how to get to and inside the castle.

"I will see you tomorrow, Miss Carmichael," Lucas told me. He would greet me when I arrived.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Mr. Butler, I mean, uh, your royal, um...Sir?"

Why am I such an idiot?

A chuckle resonated from the other end of the phone. "Remember, 7 sharp. The Prince does not tolerate tardiness."

"I'll be there," I promised. "Oh, and please tell Prince Coleman just how grateful I am! I don't know what I would do without him!"

  "Oh, and please tell Prince Coleman just how grateful I am! I don't know what I would do without him!"

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