Chapter 23.5

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Author's note:

23.5?  Weird, I know, but this is a little part I wrote for fun and decided to share!  You just heard Cassie's point of view on her text conversation with Luke, but here is Luke's side of the story.

This chapter is totally optional, and I won't be doing different POVs too much because that gets confusing.  I might delete this chapter later, but I guess this is  a sort of thank you for being my first readers!

Let me know if you like this chapter and hearing what Luke has to think!

Luke's POV

With Sherry outside the room, and Prince Coleman taking a bath, I had time to sink into one of the cozy armchairs and let my mind wander. Of course, my thoughts went straight to Cassie. They seemed to do that lately. Her impish smile where her brown eyes lit up and her nose wrinkled and that cute little mole on her cheek came to mind. I had never enjoyed myself as much as I had with her these last couple of days during all my time as Prince Coleman's butler.

Well, maybe that wasn't entirely true, if I was being honest.  But I tried not to think about it.

I was sure that Coleman had gone to see Cassie. What had happened? He seemed bothered when he returned so maybe she hadn't even entertained the thought of spending time with him.

I prayed that was true.

Maybe Prince Coleman went out for something else. I could totally be reading this wrong.

After sitting and stewing about it, I finally decided to ask Cassie. I pulled out my phone and sent her a text.

Me: Did you run into Prince Coleman while on your tour?

Only 30 seconds later did I see the dots pop up, indicating she was responding.

Cassie: Yeah...I did. :P More like he ran into me.

I paused for a moment, thinking of a response.

So he had gone to see her.

I began to type out a response:

Of course he freaking did. That's just fantastic. Great.

Instead I wrote what I hoped was a casual response.

Me: I thought so! Haha

It seemed casual enough.

She quickly replied.

Cassie: Why? Lol

Oh gosh. Oh gosh oh gosh. How am I supposed to answer that? A few thoughts raced through my head.

· Well, Cassie, see I'm obsessed with you and so I had to ask.

· Lucky guess...?

· I think the Prince has the hots for you so I connected the dots

· I can't stop thinking about you

· So isn't the weather lovely?

I finally replied:

Me: He left for an hour (and he never leaves on tour day) and came back grumbling. I put two and two together.

Once again, her reply came quickly.

Cassie: I...may or may not have ditched him when he got surrounded by people. O.o

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