Chapter 36

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The Princess looked at grumpy Luke helplessly before resting her hawk-eyes on me.

"What did you do?" Her voice was a low growl unheard by most in the room.

"Attention!" The doors to the parlor flung open as Isaac made his announcement. "The young Lady Lucille Rylin!"

A girl of perhaps sixteen walked in with a graceful gait and a perfectly manufactured smile framed by punch pink lips that matched her a-line dress.

"Calista." She beamed as the Princess eagerly stepped up to her friend. While Lucille's pure-diamond blonde hair starkly contrasted Princess Calista's black hair, it was overshadowed by the drastic differences in puberty each had experienced. Tall, developed, and stunning, Lucille looked far too old to be attending this party.

"Lucille, I'm so glad you could come," Princess Calista said.

"Of course, my dear friend. I await with baited breath for your sixteenth birthday when you can officially come out and join proper society."

I scanned the young lady carefully, a familiarity about her that I couldn't place.

I discovered Luke had made his way to me when I heard his voice in my ear. I supposed he wasn't so grouchy anymore.

"That is the young Lady Rylin." His voice tickled my ear and sent my heart into a flurry. "You may remember her older sister, Madeline."

My eyes widened, and the resemblance became so clear to me that I wondered how I had not seen in before. I hoped she behaved more civilly than her bikini-clad sister.

At least she won't be fighting over the prince, here.

"Soon they shall all arrive." Luke's quiet voice sounded tired.

"Lucas!" Princess Calista spotted us. "Whatever could you have to say to Miss Cassie?" Her short laugh following did not hide the irritation laced in her voice.

The door opened and a Miss Janelle Armstad was introduced, and several more after that, until all seven of the Princess's guests had arrived. The guests were seated and served their tea by all the maids there, except for me, who was exiled next to the door to stay out of the way.

"Princess," started a Miss Alicia. She had caramel skin, a crown of ebony ringlets, and a pleasant smile. I also noticed that she looked like she was actually the right age to be the Princess's friend, unlike the weirdly older and beautiful looking Lucille. "I have to ask, have you met the Prince Nikolas yet?"

The Princess rolled her eyes and grimaced. "Unfortunately, I've come across him from time to time."

"Did you like him?" asked a starry eyed brunette friend.

"I hardly know him, but I promise I have no intentions of marrying that Nikotan trash." She folded her arms defiantly.

"Oh, but we're dying know the truth behind the rumors! I heard that your parents think that a marriage would help with the hostilities between Aregano and Nikoto," said another.

"Well it doesn't very much matter their opinions. I'm not going off to live in such a savage place! If only Prince Nikolas had a sister. Then Coleman would be forced to marry her." Princess Calista looked disgusted.

The ten small allied countries, including Embryia, Aregano, and Nikoto, got along fairly well. However, it was common knowledge that the Aregano and Nikoto bitterly hated each other. Since Embryia managed not to have big beefs with any countries, it seemed strange to hear such hostilities toward Nikoto.

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