Chapter 18

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"And how do you like that...working so close with the Prince?" Ethan titled his head.

"It's an experience." I smiled wryly.

"She claims to hate him," butt in Sherry. "But I give it a week before Cassie falls for his charms."

Ethan cast an annoyed glance at Sherry. "Because we don't have enough groupies," he sneered. "Well, it was nice to meet you, Cassie." He stood and turned to me with a smile. "I work in the gardens. You should really come and see it sometime. The flowers and fountains and greenery are quite

"I've always loved seeing pretty gardens." My eyes glistened.

"We have the best one in Aregano." I loved the obvious pride in his voice. "When people come here on tours, many say the garden is their favorite part. It's gorgeous."

"I'll be sure to look into it," I promised.

"Good." Ethan grinned and turned away.

If Coleman could just shape up his attitude, this would be a perfect dream job. A place crawling with beautiful men whose only option is you.

"You can do better than him," scoffed Sherry.

I frowned. "What makes you say that?"

"Come on, Cassie! You work with a crown prince! You want to go for a gardener?"

"One, I don't see anything wrong with that, two, I never said I was going for him anyway, and three I don't want this particular crown prince!"

"Sure you don't," Sherry teased.

My eye twitched irritably. "Well, while we're talking about him, I'm not working this weekend and need someone to cover for me. Would you be up to serving Prince Coleman over the weekend?"

Sherry leapt up from her seat and squealed. "Do you really mean it!?"

"Calm down, girl, people are watching!" I scolded her.

She promptly sat in her seat and stared
at me with bright eyes. "Do you really mean it, Cassie?"

"Of course!"

"Oh, thank you thank you THANK YOU!" She pulled me into a bear hug and attempted to squeeze the living daylight out of me.

"Okay, okay! Gosh! It's not a big deal!" I protested.

"Not a big deal?!" She put her hand on her hip. "Not a big deal! You've given me the opportunity of a lifetime! A chance to work for him up close and personal!"

"Well, I'm glad you're so excited, then," I laughed.

Sherry began eagerly finishing her food, her eyes off into a distance daydream. As I picked up
my own fork, my phone buzzed.

Luke : Is everything okay?

I grinned like a silly schoolgirl. At the same time I prayed no one saw the heart I had put next to
his name.

Me: Yes! Thank you for rushing back. I guess he just didn't want to argue in front of an
audience...? Idk, he's weird. Nothing crazy happened. :) Well, nothing crazier than normal...

I waited an agonizingly long minute for his response.

Luke ❤️: Good

Luke ❤️: Good

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