Chapter 10

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Luke shortly thereafter had to leave to return to Prince Coleman's side, so I chose to finish up my lunch early and head back with him. He knocked on the Prince's door, announced himself, and was told by Prince Coleman that he could come in.

"And is my maid with you?" he asked as Luke was opening the door. I had planned to wait outside the door until called, as was apparently customary.

"Yes, she is," answered Luke.

"Come in, little maid," he demanded. 

 I hated that nickname. 

I sighed and stepped into the room. Time for round 2. Or 3, depending on how one was counting.

"Why did you call me a brat!" Prince Coleman demanded.

"Who told you that?" I asked.

"A maid just came in to inform me that you think I'm a brat," Prince Coleman said.

"What was her name?"

"I forgot her name, but she's not what's important here." Ouch to Raven. "We're here to discuss you."

"Is that why you call me little maid? You can't remember our names?"

"No! And quit dodging the subject!"

"I'm confused as to why you seem so shocked that I find you to be a brat," I admitted.

"Well, of course I wasn't shocked," he rolled his eyes, indicating that this was obvious.

"Then why are you so upset?" I asked.

"What I find interesting is that even on your lunch break I'm all you can think about." He smiled smugly, completely ignoring my question.

"Do you act like this with everyone? I can't imagine so, seeing as you are the sun, moon and stars to all these maids. The reason I even mentioned you is that all the girls here seem to be in love with you and they all hate me for being your personal maid. They're extremely jealous. I wanted to clarify to them that I was not to be considered any sort of competition because I don't even like you. In general."

"Your impertinence is out of hand, little maid!" the Prince growled.

"Then I will stand outside of the door until I'm needed so that you aren't bothered by my impertinence," I shot back. "You're very welcome." I marched outside and slammed the door behind me, leaning heavily on it. I told myself I was going to be better. I wasn't going to yell at Coleman or insult him. Looks like I failed.

Darn my hot temper!

After only a minute the door opened and Luke poked his head out.

"Prince Coleman requires your presence," he informed me with a sympathetic look. I nodded and took a deep breath, determined to stay calm this time.

"Yes, Prince Coleman? How may I assist you?" I asked. Nailed it!

"That mirror looks dirty, little maid," he told me, pointing to a mirror across his spacious room. "Clean it."

"Yes, Prince Coleman," I answered, giving a slight bow. "Give me one moment while I collect supplies to adequately clean your mirror." He narrowed his eyes and looked at me suspiciously. As I headed back out the door, Luke jumped up to open it for me. How polite!

"Luke," I whispered hurriedly. "Where do I get cleaning supplies?"

"There's a room across the hall. There is a cleaning closet in there," he answered.

"Thanks," I whispered back, and quickly returned with a cleaning caddy containing glass cleaner. The mirror looked fine to me, of course, but I spayed it anyway and began wiping it down. I could see in the mirror's reflection the Prince's scrutinizing stare. We made eye contact through the mirror, and he spoke with his rich voice.

"What? No catty remarks? No complaints that I had you clean a spotless mirror?" he asked irritably. So he knew it was clean.

"Do you desire complaints and catty retorts?" I asked, turning to face him directly.

"Of course not!" he cried.

"Then I will clean this spotless mirror without additional commentary," I snapped.

"I just don't understand why after one minute you've decided to be so complacent," he admitted.

"Well I clearly hurt your feelings when I called you a brat, and we couldn't have that again."

"What!" He exclaimed. He stood up abruptly and marched over to me. "You didn't hurt my feelings. As if your opinion is significant!"

My face scrunched up, and I felt threatened by both his presence and words. "Clearly my opinion has some significance, since you made it a point to whine about the whole matter to me!" I retorted.

"I didn't whine," he answered, and I rolled my eyes. "Stop rolling your eyes!"

"Yes your royal highness."

"I feel as though you are mocking me," Prince Coleman scowled.

"Is the mirror clean enough for you?" I asked irritably. He looked at it.

"Now it looks smudgy. It was clean before you started cleaning it."

"Okay, Prince Coleman. I will super gladly clean it more," I told him with little effort to hide my annoyance. He hovered over my shoulder while I cleaned, making me antsy and uncomfortable.

"Is this good enough for you, Prince Coleman?" I asked with a sigh. He carefully scrutinized the spotless mirror and shrugged.

"I suppose," he said. "Now go wait outside until I give further instructions, little maid."

"Yes, your highness."

"You're strange, you know that?!" he suddenly burst out.

Author's note:

Sorry for getting this out kind of late!  I was out touring a college today and didn't have a chance to post.  

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