Chapter 49

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The next morning, I woke up before the crack of dawn. Literally. Chilly dew coated my sleeping bag, and honestly I was freezing. It had been dark when we found this spot, and it was dark now. I crawled out of my sleeping bag and tried to wrap my light jacket tighter around me.

One of the tents ruffled, and Prince Coleman emerged.

"You're up, Cassie?" He rose an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I woke up because I was cold."

Prince Coleman said nothing more a moment, before retreating back into his tent.

Bye, then? I thought.

However, when he returned, he was holding a large blanket in his hands, and came behind me and placed in on my shoulders.

"Here," he said. "Better?"

I looked up at him, my eyes wide at the kind gesture. "Yeah, actually."

"We're so close to the peak," Prince Coleman started. "Shouldn't be more than a five or ten minute walk. I was about to head there...if you wanted to come."

"Okay," I nodded. "Sure."

With my blanket still in tow, I followed Prince Coleman up the short remainder of the trail, until we finally reached the top.

"Now we wait," Prince Coleman said, settling down on a rock. I sat down next to him, and my arm brushed against his. Granted, we both had jackets on, plus I had a blanket, but I still jumped slightly.

Soon, the sun began to streak the sky with pinks, oranges, and blues. It cracked through the night, and my eyes widened at the sight of it.

"Oh, it's beautiful!" I cried. The sunrise began to shed light onto the valley below, and I could see how far we'd come. I pulled out my dying phone and stood to take a picture. I then, in basic white girl form, set down my blanket and turned to take a selfie with the view in the background.

"Do you need me to take a picture for you?" Prince Coleman asked, an amused smile toying at his lips.

"Oh, would you?" I grinned, passing him my phone. I smiled as he took a couple of pictures. "Do you want one?" I asked.


"No, the guy behind you," I deadpanned.

He glanced down at my phone in his hand. "Sure, why not?"

"Do you have your phone?"

"Not on me. You can just use yours for now," he said. He passed me my phone and stood with the valley behind him.

"Alright, say cheese!"


I took his picture anyways and went to show him. "You would look better if you were smiling."

"Would I?" he asked tiredly.

"You would. You have a nice smile. Good teeth too," I said.

He smiled lightly. "Really?"

"Well, yeah." Maybe my sleep-deprivation was affecting my brain, or maybe the sunrise was fogging my intellect, but I continued on to say, "I really like your smile."

"You do?"

I smiled and shrugged. "Maybe."

"Well, I like your laugh," he admitted. "It makes me smile."

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