Chapter 17

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My heart hammered against my chest and seized with anxiety.

Prince Coleman set his breakfast tray on the bedside, peeled off his covers, and planted his feet on the side of the bed.

Oh gosh, oh gosh, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm an idiot I'm so stupid why oh why please...

He stood up in his red stain pajamas and began to saunter toward me, and I began to backpedal.  Now that we were alone, he suddenly seemed terrifying.  All bravery fled.

"Geez, calm down.  You look like I'm about to hit you!" He rose his eyebrows. 

Some tension released, but I still felt wary.

"You look scared.  I don't really see why.  I'm not going to do anything."

I tried to form words.  "Then why..."

"Why what?"

"Why did you send him away?"

"Lucas?  Is that what has you so frightened? Think I'll try something if he's not around?" Prince Coleman laughed.

I felt myself flush, suddenly embarrassed by my fear.

"Ah, so I hit the mark then?"

"No," I protested unconvincingly.

"Your cheeks are pink," he pointed out, sniggering.  "I only sent him away because I was tired of him staring at me."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes.  It's one thing to have an argument, it's another to have an argument with an onlooker."

The last of the tension melted.  "That's true." I cracked a smile.

I could have sworn Prince Coleman's eyes widened for a split second before he averted his gaze.

"W-well what are you standing about for, little maid!  Don't you have some cleaning to do?!"

"Uh...I guess I do."  I quickly went to work collecting the clothes across the floor, when I came across an article of clothing that didn't quite belong.  I chuckled to myself and rolled my eyes.

"What is it?" Prince Coleman pouted from his chair.

"Just wondering which drawer this goes in." I dangled the item to reveal a lacy black bra.  Prince Coleman suddenly leapt out the chair and lunged for the bra, scaring me half to death and making me drop the rest of the clothes.  He held the snatched possession behind him.

"You have no right to judge me, little maid," he scowled.

"I never said anything about it!" I held up my hands defensively.  "And gosh, I didn't expect you to freak out about it!"

"I didn't freak out!"

"If you say so."

"Look, I'm not going to pretend I don't have loads of women, Cassie, but I'd rather you not go run around and tell the whole castle!"

"I won't."  I sighed and shook my head.

"You're disappointed?" He sounded almost...hopeful.

"No," I answered.  "I expected it from you."

Prince Coleman furrowed his eyebrows.  "Did you?"

"Yeah.  You don't seem like one to cherish and respect women."

"You always manage to insult me!"

"Well it's true, isn't it?!" I looked up into his eyes.  "You said yourself that you had loads of women, plural.  Whoever owns that bra, is she someone you truly love and respect?  Are you married to her?  Heck, are you even dating her?"


"No.  Exactly."  I sighed.  "So, what do you want to do about that?" I pointed to the bra behind his back.

"I'll take care of it."

"Alright.  Then I'll clean the rest of the room."

Suddenly the door burst open.  Luke stood in the doorframe, panting like a dog.

"I—huff—I finished my—huff—my breakfast." 

The Prince looked at Luke like he was insane.

"You went all the way down to the dining hall, ate, and came back this quickly?!"

"Yes." Luke was breathing heavily.  My heart warmed.  He must have been worried about me, and ran as fast as he could.

"Well then, Prince Coleman," I said.   "Should I take your breakfast platter down and eat my own?"

I dropped off Coleman's platter in the kitchen and moseyed on into the dining room for breakfast

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I dropped off Coleman's platter in the kitchen and moseyed on into the dining room for breakfast.

"Oh, Cassie, come here!" Sherry waved me over to her seat as soon as I grabbed my food.

"Hey Sherry, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm good." She then laughed.  "Oh, you missed it, Cassie!  Mister Lucas raced into here, cut in line to get his food, half ran to the head table, and scarfed down his food.  I've never seen him eat so fast.  It was crazy!  We all wondered what his problem was.  And then he rushed out as quickly as he came in!  What do you make of it?"

What a precious cinnamon roll. 

"Who knows!" I shrugged, unable to keep the funny smile off my face.

"Now Cassie, what does that smile mean?"


"Nuh uh! It does too mean something! Wait!" Sherry gasped.  "Did something happen between you and the Prince?!"

"No." I wrinkled my nose.  "I wasn't thinking about him."

"Then who?" Sherry's hazel eyes were huge.  "Wait!  Mister–"

"Are you Cassie?" A voice cut in.  I looked across the table to see a man with dark brown hair and golden green eyes.

"Yes?  I am."

Why are all the men here so beautiful? 

"I'm Ethan." He reached across the table to extend his hand. 

After shaking his hand I asked, "Do you work outside?"

"I do." He grinned.  "How did you know?"

"The sun has clearly tanned you.  And your hands are calloused."

"You're a modern day Sherlock!"

I snorted.  "Hardly, but I'll take the compliment."

"And you are the Prince's new personal maid?" Ethan's eyes sparkled with curiosity, and I recalled Jonathan's words:

In the day you've been here, you've put quite a spell on all the poor fellows in this castle.  Because finally, there is a girl with whom they have a chance.

Could this man be among those who had heard about me?

"I am."

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