Chapter 22

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Tall green hedges spread out before me.

"So, is it a hedge maze?" I asked, trying to mask my disappointment.

Prince Coleman smirked.  "Not quite."  He yanked my hand again and started pulling me off toward an archway in the hedge.  "Here we are."

My eyes widened as I took a step forward into the garden, and I let my hand slip from Coleman's.  A huge, pristine fountain spouting blue-tinted water stood before me, surrounded by vibrant flowers and impossibly green grass.  I walked to the side of the fountain to take in the rest of the garden sprawled out before me, with strategic patches of luscious grass and even more vivid flowers.  Dozens of people were milling about and admiring the beautiful scenery, and effectively blocking my view. 

Even still, it was breathtaking.

"How do you like it?" I heard Prince Coleman stepping up behind me.

"It's beautiful," I breathed.  I turned to him to thank him when I saw him narrow eyes as he surveyed the scene before him. 

"Oh come on, this place is a zoo with all these people here."  He gestured angrily toward the crowd before us.

"Well, it is the day for tourists to be here," I reminded him.

"This is utterly ridiculous.  You can't even see anything because there's at least three people oh so conveniently blocking the way of whatever you want to look at.  The gardens are nice for their solitude!"

"I'm not a fan of crowds either," I admitted.  "But that's what I get since tours are only on some weekends."

"This is why I don't come out on tour day," he grumped, crossing his arms.

"I didn't make you come!"

"Of course you didn't.  Don't be so full of yourself."

My eye twitched.  "Well, I'll go explore the gardens myself then."

"You would probably get lost if I let you do that.  And then we'd have to hire a search party and that would be so obnoxious," Prince Coleman said.

"You said yourself it's not a hedge maze."  I glared at him.  "And besides, I'm not five years old!  I won't get lost."

"I have very little faith in you, to be perfectly honest."  Coleman gave me a smile. 

"Wow.  You never cease to astonish me."

"Alright, this way now.  This is only a part of the gardens.  Let's try and get to the private parts where all these stupid people won't be."  Prince Coleman once again snatched my hand and dragged me off, sticking close the hedge that walled the garden.  He turned back to me and pressed a finger to his lips.

Secretly sneaking around Prince Coleman's adoring fans was quite exhilarating, if I was being honest.

"Oh my gosh!" A girl suddenly shrieked. 

My hand shot back from Prince Coleman's as quickly as it could.

"Prince Coleman!?" Echoes of the Prince's presence rippled throughout the garden, and the mass of people began to crowd around, despite the futile attempts of the tour guides to keep their charges in line. 

Prince Coleman was visibly irritated to be surrounded by his numerous fangirls and other fascinated people.  I slipped away, preferring not to be at the center of attention or a possible scandal.  As I withdrew from the crowd a hand clamped down on my shoulder.  

"Cassie!  You really did come to the gardens!"

I spun around and smiled.


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