chapter 1- new beginnings

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Ellas POV



I cant believe today is the day i am going to LA. my whole family has left me and i was on my own besides my little sister Juliet. I am 19 at the moment. my mother died 2 months after Jules was born because of a brain tumor. In September it will have been 5 years since she past. my dad walked out on my family when mom had Jules. He said she was too much for him to handle. So at age 14 i moved in with my uncle John. He never really took care of me and Jules but at least we had a place to stay, and i know he loved us. He was just not the person to care for a child. When i was 16 i got a job at the local studio where they shoot all the t.v. shows and stuff. the director was really sweet and taught me everything about films. i started making my own short films and one day jess, the director, helped me make a full length movie and it looked really professional. Jess sent it to some people and they really liked it. they thought i was a prodigy or somthing. i dropped out and went to a performing arts school at 16. I made various other films and then 2 weeks be for my 19th birthday i got a call from LA in America. they were from MTV and they wanted me on their junior filming team. i would leave on my birthday and that alone was the best gift i could ever ask for.

Jules and i packed only the essentials and then my uncle told us that his sister lived their in LA. We gave her a ring and she said she would love it if i came and styed with her until i found my own home. it was all set. i was going to LA, i was going to live my dream and it was on my birthday!! how much better can this get.

Jules basically thought i was her mother because technically she never meet our mom and our dad walked out on us. But she still called me L's (short for ella). Anyway we only had about 2 suitcases and a cary on each. the flight from London to Los Angels was about 10-11 hours. when we would arrive it would be noon their time. we walked into the airport and i said my goodbyes to uncle John and Jess who was like my second mother. our plain was being called and me and Jules walked away eager to start our new life where we could forget our horrible past. Plus i didnt care about what i left in England i was goin to LA with the person i care about most, Jules and i got live my dream of filming. not just filming but with MTV!!!

**skip plain ride**

we arrived to our destination and i had either watched the tv, or slept the whole time. and my bum and legs were sore from sitting as my back cracked various times because of the uncomfortable seats. my aunt Rose who told me to call her just Rose stood in the middle of the airport holding up a sign that said 'welcome to LA Ella and Juliet'. we got our bags and then shoved them in the car just making some small talk. when we got home me and jules changed into more clean and suitable clothes. i was going to take her to the mall and get our new wardrobes picked out an ready. plus i knew that walking around a lot would tire Jules out and maybe she would finally stop bouncing off the walls

we arrived at the mall and started to browse the mall. Jules wanted to go into Justice so we walked in. i told her to grab anything she liked and bring it to me as i sat on a nearby bench in the center of the store. i bought her some cute little accessories i thought were appropriate and not that pricy and we walked out. my phone buzzed but i wounder who it could have been as no one in England would be awake at this time there. i searched my bag for my phone but lost hope and it stoped ringing too. i turned around and didn't see Jules i looked ahead and all around. i went back into Justie but she was not there. i was freaking out. i ran trough the sea of people bushing and shoving past looking for Jules. then i suddenly smacked into something hard and fell on top of them. i looked up into his bright almost neon green eyes and go so distracted when i realized Jules was still missing. i stood up and fixed my self and said sorry to the total hottie i had fell ontop of when i herd him following me.

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