19- the call

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One Month, 12 shows, 7 places, A bunch of fun, and a lot of other stuff later it was late one night on the tour bus when I got the call.

It was Taylor on the phone. I then realised I had not spoken to her in months, it hurt me to know i went so long without talking to her but something about her changed. We did not have a fight or anything, never talked about it, i never asked about her, and as far as i knew she never asked about me. But here i was sitting on the tour bus at 1am, talking to her.

I walked away from everyone not wanting to wake them considering they don't get much sleep while on tour.

"Ella?" Taylor said shakily. I knew right away she had been crying and i knew something was wrong. At first I thought something happened to Juliet. But wouldn't Rose have called me? Unless something was wrong with Rose, or even worse both.

After a while of silence i spoke. "Taylor, Taylor what's wrong." I tried to calm her crys.

" I-its its my mom." She cried into the phone. "She, shes in the hospital. Ella i am sorry. I should have told you but she didn't want you to worry about her, and I am sorry for not talking to you for so long. But i can't do anything about it now." Taylor said. Sirens, Alarms, everything was going on in my head as i grew even more worried them before to the point where my hands started to shake.

"Taylor what's going on." I asked scared to hear the answer.

"My mom has cancer Ella. And its getting worse. Its at stage 4 now." I heard a sharp intake of breath and i was not sure if it was me or taylor who had done it. "She is dying Ella. Dying." Taylor said. I broke down on the floor of the small closet and cried into the phone with her. I sat there for a while just being in the company of another person going through my pain, even worse probably, just hearing her cries made me cry more yet comforted me, knowing this time I was not alone.

All the crying had tired me out causing me to fall asleep in the closet. I woke with my phone in my hand to my name being called out. I stood up and went to the bathroom. My hands still shaking as i tried to splash my face with water but ended up tripping over myself and almost falling over. Beau kept calling my name but it was in Rose's voice as i heard my name. He saw me almost fall and rushed over to me. At first he thought i was drunk or high but once the tears and whines came out he knew it was something more. He took me over to the couch. and sat me down on his lap as i cried.

Not once had he asked what was wrong, just held me and rocked me to a more calm state. He just let me cry on him. And i am so thankful for that.

Jai came back on the bus looking for Beau, and that was the only time i realised no one else but Beau and I, and now Jai, were on the bus. Jai stopped in his tracks seeing the scene in front of him and left the bus as quick as he had entered.

"She's dying." I finally said it. I finally got it through my head, that she was dying. And there was nothing I could do about it except be there for her. I had to be with her till the end, and comfort her when she need me. I needed to go back to LA. I explained to Beau that Rose had stage 4 cancer and how it was spreading. He just listened and held me closer. He gave me some time to think, also he had to go and practice for the next show. I asked him to tell the boys seeing as i didn't want to talk about it more then i had to, I also wished that he told the boys not to ask me about it because I was still having trouble fully accepting it myself.

I can't go through this again. I thought to myself. Not again. I was alone the first time, and i didn't want to be here where no one could understand me, and my pain. This time i was going to suffer, but with someone who was suffering too. I was going back to LA to be with Taylor so we could get through this together. I might have suffered a lot when my mother died, but i would never wish on someone, even my enemie to go through it the way i did, to go through it alone.

I called management and told them i need to come back due to family problems and they were fine with it. I texted taylor and told her i was coming back. Then I got out my laptop and booked the next flight back to LA. It was leaving in 5 hours. I got all my stuff together with 4 hours left. I slowly got off the bus. Now i had to tell everyone.

I found Beau and the boys eating in an area with couches. Once they saw me they all gave me sad smiles and sympathetic looks. I walked over to Beau and whispered in his ear to come with me. HE got up and we went to a far corner of the room.

"Beau. I have to go back to LA. You understand right?" I Asked holding his hand. His green eyes poured into me making me melt right there. I felt bad for leaving, but i knew i would feel too guilty if I wasn't there with Rose. He just nodded and hugged me. I kissed him a few times which made me feel some what better. I knew i would have Beau and everyone at the end of this. But it still hurt right now and would for a long time.

I was starting to beat myself up inside. Why hadn't i seen the signs and noticed. I could have been with her longer. I should have gone over more to see her. And should have talked to Taylor. I hung around with the boys and did some last minute recordings so i could have enough equipment to show management. Time went by quickly and before I knew it,  i was hugging everyone good bye before i went off to the airport.

I kissed Beau one last time before I got into the cab and I was off back to LA.  

A/N I am spoiling you double update. 

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