6- shopping and movies

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(Still Beaus POV) 

"Oh hey Beau." was all she said 

"Why are looking at this stuff." I asked pointing around to the section we were in 

"Beau, every girl, well at least i would hope, wheres underwhere and bra's." she said slowing her words a little so i got it.  I couldet say no to that but then i saw what was in her hand 

"Why do u need theise?" I said bicking up one

"Becasue thongs are comfy sometimes." She said back in a matter-of-fact tone. well that answered that. 

"Wait? Why are you here? Dont tell me you secretly have a vagina." She said laughing at the last part

"I just saw you across the streat and thought i would come say hey. And how did you guess i have a man-gina?" I said catching on to her joke. 

"Well considering the fact that under all of her makeup marissa probably looks like a man, meaning your she/he is a girl i suposed you were in on the whole homo/gay thing." she replyed in cheeky way. but now that i think about it she was right. Marissa did look like a man a little bit. 

"You got me." I said back laughing 

"So where is the little she-man?" She asked looking around 

"Probably back at her house stalking people on twitter or facebook seeing as she has no life. But that means she is not here so...," i trailed off leaving Ella to catch onto what i was saying. 

"So you want to follow me around while i shop?" She said in a tone between joking and serious 

"Even better." I replyed 

"Lets go." she said and rolled her eyes in a playfull way as we walked up to the cash register. 

We went into a lot of shops and by the end of our little spree she had even bought me some things she said i looked 'cute' in. We went back to her house and no one was home so she invited me in. There was really nothing much for us to do but we just talked about the most random things and joked around. IT was nice talking to some one who was not a complete air head like Marissa.

"Lets go put my clothes away and then we can have a lazy day watching movies in bed." She said and took some of the many shopping bads up to her room. 

"Sounds good." I replyed and helped bring some up to her room. 

We put mostly everything away but the victorias secrect bag was still full of the things she bought. Ella just went to the bath room so i took this as an oppertinuty to see wat she bought there. I opened the bag and rumaged through it. There was underwhere, thongs, 2 bras, and then this weird corsett thing that was see trough. WTF? Why was she buying lengere? who was it for? ugh i was just so curios. I was holding the corsett thing in my hand when Ella walked back in. Crap.

"Beau what are you doing?" she said and ran over to me snatching the clothing away and shoving it back in the bag. WHAT DO I SAY?? I was screaming at my self in my head 

"I-, uh, well, uhm, I just-, I got nothing." I said choking up on my words

"What ever, I am really tired and i dont want to bicker with you about some stupid clothes." She huffed while shoving the bag in her closet. Well she didnt hold a grudge long

"But i am gonna get you back for that." She said and in an evily excited way and winked. I spook too soon about the whole grudge thing.

"What ever. Now how about thoes movies?" I asked her. Ellas face lit up and she nodded. We picked out 'paranormal activity 4', 'white chikcs', 'titanic' and '21 jump street'. Ella went to make poppcorn and I but the first movie in, then i turned down the lights and closed the curtens to help make the room darker. I sat on Ellas bed and went under the covers getting myself comfy. Once she walked back in the room with poppcorn and drinks with some candy i started the movie and she sat next to me. 

For some reason i thought Ella was going to be one of thos girls that get scared with movies like 'paranormal activity 4' but she actually liked them and i was the one hidding my face in her neck. This one really scary part came up and i nuzled my self further into Ellas neck becuase i refused to watch. call me a scardy cat but i hated it. Ella just laughed 

"What are you laughing at?" I questioned looking up at her.

***ELLA POV*** 

"What are you laughing at?" Beau asked me

"Why are you so scared its so obvious how fake it is." I said smiling down at the boy who was scrunced up into a little ball holding onto me

"I am not that scared i just didnt like that part." he said back. 

"Well since you cant take it why dont we stop the movie, turn the lights up a little and just chill while watching a Funny movie." I said smiling at the boy that now placed his head in my lap. 

"Can you just turn off the movie and we can stay like this i am comfy." he smilled at me in a cute little way

"Fine." I smiled at him giving in yet agian. It seemed like when ever Beau asked me to do somthing i could not help but say yes, like when i was with him 'no' was not in my vocabulary.

I think i love Beau. But i dont want to get in his was if he has that she/he called Marrisa. What am i gonna do with this boy?



Authorrs note: Hey sorry i have not updated in a while i have been studying for finals but now they are over and i am done with school. Until next year :( Anyways i hope you liked this sorry its shoot and crappy but it will gwt better i promise. 

love ya 

                - Arianna xx

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