20-The other family

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Its been a couple of months since I left the tour with the boys to come be with my family. Rose has been getting treatment to try and make her better and it seems to be working. While i was here MTV recommended me to VEVO since I could no longer work with the boys with me being in LA and them being all over the world. So for the past 2 months i have been helping shoot music videos for VEVO. And it is absolutely amazing to the point where words cant even describe. Everyday after work I would pick up Juliet and then go meet Taylor at the hospital to see Rose. Beau would call me almost everyday just to catch up about what happened while we were not together. If he didn't call me it was simple text. I was not mad at him for not calling me everyday tour was a crazy thing for the boys and i knew Beau was faithful so i had nothing to worry about.

Today Juliet had a sleepover so i would be going to see Rose and taylor and then i would be going to Ariana's with Victoria and Sahara. I walked into the hospital and up to Rose's room. And then everything became in slow motion as i turned the corner where Rose's room was. Taylor was kneeling outside the door and there were doctors  in Rose's room I quickened my pace to see Rose with a tear stained face as she talked to the doctors. I walked in and just listened.

"We are sorry," Dr. Riata said "The treatment did not work. And your cancer has spread." She finished saying. I stood frozen, Rose can't die. Why did she need to be cursed with cancer. Why her? Out of all the people in this world. Why her. Rose was an amazing person, she had the best soul, personality, she was a truly amazing woman. I just don't understand why god punishes the most amazing people.

I hugged taylor and brought her back into Roses room we just sat there. me sitting in a chair on Rose's left and Taylor on a chair on her right. we were all holding hands. And sitting in silence. Rose soon drifted off to sleep as well as taylor. Still holding hands. I soon fell asleep as well holding hands with Taylor and Rose as i leaned my head on the hospital bed.


Two weeks later and here I stood. I opened my mouth slightly and it was dry. I was not ready to speak but knowing I had no other choice I looked up ready to begin. And then I saw him. Stay calm Ella stay calm its okay. I told myself finally ready to start,

"Its been exactly 3 days 6 hours and about 14 minutes since I spoke to Rose. I can remember everything she said at that time and recite it perfectly for you if you wanted. But i bet all of you could remember how at one time or another Rose gave you some amazing advice that you will never forget. Rose was probably the kindest, purest, most loving accepting person i have even met in my life. I wish i had known her sooner to get to know her incredible soul better. But in the end i am so amazingly grateful that I got to be part of her life at all. Rose took me in, treated me like i was her daughter and was always so amazingly optimistic about everything. She taught me to see the brighter side of things no matter have hard it is to ignore the fact that the glass was half empty. I love her like she is my own mother and I will forever love her in this way. I remember when Rose’s docter told me that her treatment had not worked and all i could think was why did God punish the most beautiful perfect souls in this world. And now i realise, God needed another Angel in his world. Her time here was over and it was time for her to be called back and be assigned her next assignment as a perfect beautiful angel. She has helped guide us all and now its time for us to stand alone and do the rest ourselves. And as Rose always said 'don't cry because its over smile because it happened' that was her favorite quote and she took it as a lifestyle. So in loving memory of Rose Kate Margaret Green let us not shed too many tears but smile because we were lucky enough to know this amazing person and remember her for as long as we shall live until we join with her again." I smiled and wiped away the tears i had shed throughout my speech.

I stepped away from the crowd in front of me and walked over to Rose's coffin. Her beautiful body lay still and she looked at peace with the world. I lightly kissed her head and walked back to my seat next to Taylor.

I looked over my shoulder at my father who was staring right back at me. Juliet was sitting next to me, I picked her up and took her to a far corner of the room. How dare that bastard set foot in here. He betrayed his own family. I know he is here for Rose but there was something about that look in his eye that made me feel like he wanted something.

"Rob." I heard a rather young woman call out. She walked over to him and gave him a peck on the lips. I scrunched up my face in disgust. She could only be 9 or 10 years older than me. Chasing at her legs were two little kids. A boy and a girl from what I could tell. The lady stepped back and from the side view i got from her she was pregnant. That or she had a rather odd round belly for a fat person. She rubbed her stomach as my father picked up the little girl and i watched as she pecked his cheek. Tears started to sting in my eyes As i thought of that being what I used to do when my dad was a part of my family. The little girl looked about as old as Juliet. So this is the family he left us for huh?

Only 20 more minutes and this would be over and Juliet and i could go home. I was going to ask Taylor if she would mind me skipping out because i was in no position to see my father right now.

As i was walking over to Taylor I heard him call out my name. I was surprised he remembered it at all.

I slowly turned to face my father. "Robert. High." i said, he did not deserve my respect of calling him Dad. Dads cared for their children and loved them and provided for them and protected them. He was no father to me

"Ella. I would like to introduce you to my wife Annie and my two children Cole, and Carmen." He said grinning away at his family

"Hi," i smiled to them. The kids just look confused and the mother had an uneasy glint in her eye "you wouldn't remember Juliet right?" i asked gesturing to my little sister that was still in my arms.

"Well of course I do." He said smiling at her. She got shy and hid her face in my hair.

"Daddy who is dis?" she little girl asked pulling at his suit jacket.

"Cam. These two girls are your sisters. And my daughters." he said to the little girl.

"Wayyyy swissrswers Cowle never wants to play dress up wit me"


Although rose was dead Taylor was taking it better than i had expected. Yesterday Taylor got her acceptance letter to NYU and would be going there this fall. In Rose's will she left a third of her belongings to me and everything else to Taylor. I was surprised she left anything to me at all. She had given me 50,000 dollars, her diamond collection that consisted of a necklace, tennis bracelet, ring, earrings, anklet, and head piece, And her favorite pair of Louboutins with a matching bag. I could only imagine what Taylor got if she gave this to me. I was still extremely sad that Rose has left this world and that Beau could not be here with me but tour would be over on only 3 more weeks. Me and Taylor decided to sell the house and splitting the amount seeing as she left the house to me and everything in it to Taylor. Taylor would be taking Rose's most valuable things with her and the stuff from her room and my room leaving everything else except a few pieces of furniture here and there. Taylor would be leaving for New York in 2 weeks to go apartment searching and would stay there till her semester started.

I was still working for VEVO and Beau and I were still good. Also recently me and Juliets teacher discovered how incredibly bright Juliet is and are talking about putting her in advanced classes. Once Juliet turns 10 if she is still keeping up with how she is doing now and only if she wants to will she be eligible to skip a grade or even go to a boarding school for advanced children. Ariana would be going on tour soon and I never really talk to Tiffany or the other girls anymore. So its really just me, Sahara, Carla, and Victoria. We still always have the Friday night get togethers and Ariana joins us here and there but she is really busy preparing for her tour and finishing her album. My whole life is changing so fast I can barely keep up with myself. Hopefully when Beau and the boys get back things will settle down.

But boy was i wrong about that.

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