4- brace your self

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***Ella's POV***

I walked away from Beau, and i felt on top of the world. For once Mr. Player was not getting what he wanted. Well at least that is what i thought. I was walking trought the crowds of people till i felt someone tug at my waist and pull me with them. We went out side and i looked up to find it was Beau. I just went with him. He pulled me over to the side of the house and pushed me agenst the wall. "I can play heard to get too." And with that he crashed his lips onto mine. Did he know? Oh god, what should i do. I was going to push Beau away but my hormones got the better of me and i disided to kiss him back. I ran her figers trough him hair and i couldnt thing of anything else in the world but what was happening. He tok his lips off mine and kissed along my jam line. What am i doing. I am letting Beau get to me. But as i tried to stop but i was too into the moment to stop him. He kept going....

"You didnt really think i would let you just walk away did you." He said as him sexy voice cracked a little in my ear, and him lips moved down my neck. He stopped at my collar bone, sucking on it but gently to leavae the sligtest red mark. "Beau" i couldnt help but moan out his name. I pulled at the neck of his shirt so him body was agenst mine. He stoped kissing my coller bone and just smiled at me in a playfull way. he started to move his body agenst mine, i was having such plesure and fire works and butterflys running through me. I could tell Beau wanted me, and i wanted him too. But i had to be stronger then this, i had to push trought this. I spun around and reversed our positioningso he was agenst the wall and i was infront of him. he tried to pull me into him again as he grabbed my hips. I put my lips on his and reached down to where his hands were firmly plaed on my hips. I reoved them and put his hand s above his head, he started to smile into the kiss. Then i knew it was the perfect time to stop. I pulled away from him and smiled at him. He looked at me in a confused way then i wispered to him, "Sorry but I really need to go."

I started to walk away to the door of the house adn when i looked back i saw Beau just standing there with a disapointed look on his face. Got him! Just like Luke said it would be.

***Beaus POV***

She just left me here. Again. But why? When she kissed me i could feel her wanting me, i knew she did, and i she knew i wanted her. So why did she stop. For fucks sake! This girl will be the death of me. I just was going to give her space, then this girl came walking up to me. And well you know what happened after that.

////The next morning\\\\

I woke up with this naked girl laying next to me. I had no idea where i was, then i rememberd what happened last night. This chick brought me back to her house and by that time i had braken away the memory of being rejected my Ella. I felt bad as i looked at the girl just lying there in a peacful sleep. I pulled on my clothes and left her a note then i walked out the door. Finding my way home, i also found my self thinking of Ella. What was she going to think of this? Shoud i just blam it on the alcohol? ugh why not. Its not like she likes me anyway. Then i got an idea. If Ella was going to play games then i could too. I reached home and went up stairs to my room opening my phone as i sat on my bed.

I ran through my contacts till i cound hers. I was hesitant at first is i should press call or not. My thumb figited over the button and finaly just disided to grow some balls and call her. It rang for a little untill i herd her annoying voice cherp my name on the other end. "Beau! I knew you would come to your senses and call me." Marrisa said to me in a perky tone. "Umm Marissa. I want to see how thing work out between us, i am not making any promises that the relationship will last but i will give it a try." I said tryng to sound like i was telling to truth. "Sounds great babe, are you free today?" she asked ugh, "Ya, why dont you come over now." I said. "I will be over at your house in 20 minutes." She said and then hung up the phone. Wow this girl was desperate. I walked around my house starting to clean up the trash that was left from last night. Some people were laying on the couch or the floor. I went up stairs and into James' room, he was with Tiffany. i walked into daniels room and he was not there. That little shit, ithought to my self. I knew Jai went to Ariana's hou last night so i didnt bother to check. then i opened Lukes door.

My eyes went so wide i thought they were going to fall out. LUke was laying there but he was not alone, with him was Taylor..... and Ella. It all made sence now. I was fuming but i can only wait for everything to go down now. I walked back down stairs again started making breakfast for everyone. And kicked all the people just lying aroud out. The first one's to come down was James and Tiff. They willingly took my pancakes and started eating. Later Jai and Ariana walked trought the door. Then daniel arrived. Soon after Luke, Ella, and Taylor came down. My blood was boiling at the sight of them. Taylor and Ella were talking and gigling in the corner. Probably about how good Luke fucked em' both last night. God why do i need to think. Becasue of course I think the worst things possibul.

Then the door bell went off.......



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xx<3 Arianna

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