16-prank time

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Ella's pov
(Kinda a halloween special)

going out to buy all the supplies we headed back to Ariana's for the first part of the plan. I had to call Beau. The phone was ringing and i was trying practice what i would say and make sure it was believable. He answered,

"Hey umm Beau." I asked

"Ella, Jai already told me that you guys were prank calling people so just give it up now." he said chuckling at the end

"But the thing is Beau, I am not joking right now." And to be honest i wasn't lying right now. I had got the idea to prank the boys that there was a killer on the loose in our area, and there was a jail break with a record of murder so if he looked it up we had a solid lead.

"okay, sure, so Ella whats wrong." Beau said still unconvinced that it was not just a prank call

"Well there was a jail break and the last time the person was seen he was at the gas station down the street and he was like yelling about someone being famous and how he had enough of it and wanted them dead, and a few people in this house are famous, including Ariana ya know the owner of the house. And we are all just really scared and we know it most likely means nothing but we would all like some comfort from our boyfriends." I screeched really fast.

"I'll be right over." Beau answered and with that the phone call ended.
We dressed Frankie in really raggedy clothing and a black mask on. He was going to be 'the killer'. Ariana has her house hooked up to that app where you can turn of lights and lock doors and stuff. So we gave the app to Frankie so he could turn some lights on and off for some effect. We had costume changes into things with blood and stuff like that where the boys would find us once the lights came back on. Everything was set up. Now we just had to wait for the boys to get here.


Ella sounded serious and i also had seen the news about the jail break. I rounded up the boys and filled them in with what was happening. Once in the car we set off to Ariana's.
Once we arrived we rushed inside and the door swung open revealing a frightened group of girls. We walked in all hugging our girl friends, except Luke and Daniel, we sat down on the couch and put in a movie. Half way trough all the power in the house cut out.
"Guys?" Ariana mumbled
"Baby chill its just a power outage." Jai reassured her

Then we heard Victoria scream, "ahhhh no no Lexi grab me ahhh" then we heard two screams. The lights one by one came back on and Victoria and Lexi were gone. What the fuck!?!?! Ella clung to me and Glozel started freaking out. She was down on the floor on her knees saying things like "Oh jesus protect me. oh sweet mother of lord." In any other situation i would have laughed but at this point and time i felt like i wanted to join her on the floor.

"Umm its not that bad. I mean they are most likely just joking around to scare us right?" Sahara said and we all nodded slightly loosening up. "Yeah they will be out any minute now laughing about it, why don't we get something to eat to calm u down" She went on.

Still being scared a little bit we all traveled in a pack into the kitchen. Ariana and Jai leading the way. we were all talking on the way to the kitchen, opening the door and turning on the light we all stopped dead in our tracks.

"Ahhhhhh" Ella and Glozel screamed looking over the cold dead bodies that were covered in blood. Vicortia's eyes were still open and her hand was still latched onto Lexi's who had obviously tried to help the poor girl. Ariana ran out crying at the sight of 2 of her best friends lying dead on the floor.

"Ari! Wait!" Jai screamed running after her. Ella ran to find her as well she got 5 feet when the lights cut out again.

"no one say anything." Carla said and we quietly waited.

"Ella." Their was voice was so disgusting as the words lurked in the thick stiff air. I swear to god if when the lights come on and my baby was not here i was going to find that bastard and put a knife right threw his heart. i heard a slight yelp and i wanted to go and find her but it was far to dark for me to see a foot in front of me. "Shh." someone whispered back to the high pitched sound that occurred just seconds before.

The lights came on. And sure enough Ella was gone. "OH fuck no!" i screamed. "Where the fuck are you, you little bitch." i screamed running trough the house with Daniel right behind me. "You have the fucking nerve to kill my girl then you should at least grow a pair and let me see your disgusting face." I said running to the stairs. And there she was. My baby. My girl. My Ella. Ella.

I made a sound a dog does when they are hurt. i shut my mouth and went to the floor. I Just stared at her. Wow. This was no joke. My heart fell into my stomach and it felt like i stopped breathing. I was going to cry. Jai walked into the room i was in tears down his face.

"I couldn't find her in the dark and then they came on and she was gone." He said crying and coming to sit next to me. Carla came into the room with a megaphone, Glozel next to her.

"Guys its over Jai and Beau are crying. Just stop." She laughed and her and Glozel broke out laughing. How the fuck did they have the nerve to laugh. What the fuck was happening. Suddenly Ella sat up and ran down the stairs to hug Ari who came in from another room in the house. Then Lexi and Victoria emerged from the kitchen laughing and smiling. Frankie stood on top of the stair case looking over all of us. "Thank you. thank you one and all. I know i am amazing." He smiled as the girls cheered and laughed. I stood to my feet and stared at Ella. what just happened.

"Your okay?" I asked.

"Do i look okay." She giggled putting her arms around my neck and in a second mine were around her waist.

"I think i would rather have Ari actually be pregnant." Jai sighed walking over to Ariana.

They got us good. But we could do better. Ella brought me out of my thought of revenge my pecking my lips. We kissed for a good few minutes before Luke and Skip were saying things like 'eww' and 'get a room' after this we just ordered a pizza and watched movies all night.

........ next day.........

Ronnie had called me and the boys and said there was big news for us over at the studios. I got the boys together and we got into the car that was waiting for us. Once we were at the office with everyone talking we got to business. "Boys, we have all been talking about your success lately and we think its time for your second world tour." Ronnie said.

We were going on tour. I had just found out. Tour. Me. A stupid little kid going on tour?! WHAT WOULD ELLA THINK? would she come? We all started getting excited as we talked about all the exciting things about tour. We thanked everyone for about the 100th time in the past five minute for giving us this opportunity. I love meeting my fans. Putting smiles on their faces just makes me the happiest person alive. We all piled into the car to go home and tonight we were going to celebrate.

Now its time to tell everyone.

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