22- saying good bye

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It felt like I could no longer breath. I was trapped inside an everlasting replay of the words "I'm sorry i fucking cheated on you" he screamed into my face. He screamed it like i was the one who did wrong.

I am not a bad person. So i don't understand how i deserve this heart break. I thought good things happen to good people. I guess the world just likes to fuck us all over for fun. The only people I wanted to be around were my two best freinds, Ariana, and Sahara.

And they came. They would sit with me and shit talk him, and try and make me feel like a queen. but it never worked. because i knew they didn't want to be with me locked up in my house, and everything they said wasn't true so i never joined in. i just listened. and i knew that every time i shot down an idea of theirs to make me feel better that they grew a little more frustrated and annoyed then before.

I haven't looked in the mirror since that day. I haven't left my house since that day. I haven't left my room since that day. I haven't eaten a full meal since that day. I haven't done anything with my life in 8 days.

So now it was time to do something. I thought about what my mother would tell me if she were here; she would have said "no boy is worth your tears, and the one that is wont make you cry" and then we would have watched our show, greys anatomy, and laughed together. then she would have told me to get twice as hott as i was before and drag me to the gym, and shower me in compliments. She was the best mother ever, and i am so grateful she was in my life for at least a little.

So i am going to do what my mother would do. I got out of bed and walked in front of my mirror. I didn't recognize the person looking back at me, the person looking at me was aged, older, worked, hurt, and scared. and that needed to change. it was going to change.

"no boy is worth your tears Ella, and the one that is wont make you cry" i said to my self and left a small smile at the end picturing my mothers voice.

i went into the bathroom and had a nice refreshing shower. i was washing everything away and starting fresh. i changed into something other then pajamas and actually did my hair and makeup. Next i made my self breakfast and ate it, all of it. I finally turned my phone on and reveled tons of missed calls and texts. but one caught my eye due to the number not being saved in my contacts.
calling it back i waited as i grabbed my bag and wallet.

"hello." the man said on the line

"high someone called me at this number yesterday and i didn't recognize the number."

"may i ask who is calling?"

"Ella, um Ella Green?" i replied

"oh Ella, its um, it's your father."

"oh why did u call."

"i wanted to meet up and talk about things. Ella i have dreamed of talking to you again for so long. i was just never mature enough to know how to handle it. but i have grown. and i wanna try again with you" i got ready to shot him down. but i could at least have coffee with him.

"um yeah maybe we can discuss it over lunch tomorrow?"

"i would love to but i dint live in California. I live in Pennsylvania." he saud

"hm what are the odds of that. i am moving down there soon for a job. i should be down there in a couple of days." i smiled. we talked some more and once u hung up i was in my car and in my way to Saharas house with a suitcase in the trunk. It was time for vagas baby.

***skip trip because nothing important happens haha***

Once i was back from the amazing vagas i was sad knowing i had to face reality. Walking into my apartment everything came rushing back to me but i refused to cry.

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