11-its gonna be alright

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***Ella's POV***

Beau turned around and all i wanted to do was turn around run onto the bus, tell Frankie to drive and never go back. But i know from past experience that you cant run away from your problems. And i am a tuff girl so i should be fine. Luke walked away to give us privacy.

(The way i am writing the way they talk is annoying me so i am gonna change it)

Ella: hey Beau

Beau: Ella

Ella: why are you here

Beau: i just wanted to see if maybe we could talk about what happened

Ella: there is nothing to talk about. You were with Marisa first, then you liked me, but at the end of the day your still with Marisa not me.

Beau: but ella i don't want Marisa. I want you!

Ella: then why aren't you with me now Beau? You had this whole time to clear things up. Now what?

Beau: we are not together now because i am a complete and utter idiot.

Ella: well i am going away for a week so that should give you enough time to figure things out.

I started to turn and go back to the bus where everyone was waiting for me.

Beau: ella wait

I stopped and turned to him. He caught up with me and grabbed my hands,

Beau: i like you ella, a lot, more then i have anyone be for. And i guess when you like someone a lot you do stupid things. But what i did was extremely stupid. I just hope when all this clears up you and would end up together?

I kissed his cheek and said "i need to go now" and with that i walked into the bus and didn't look back. Because i know if i did i would just end up turning around and running into his arms and kissing him and telling him it was all ok. But i knew i had to be strong. I was gonna stick it out till he cleared up him mess. And i was gonna be ok in the end. In the end everything is gonna be ok

Authors note:

Hey yall this is just a filler chapter sorry its really short! Omg don't hate me. Anyways i will be updating a little less because summer is coming to an end and i need to get ready for school. But once everything is starting to calm down i will update more ofter.

Love you all remember to vote, share, and comment

~ Arianna xxx

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