8-Shhhh ;)

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(still Beaus pov) 

Ugh just when i am about to get my girl you got interupt me? this better be a good reason to interupt somthing like this. I hang my head and smile but i laugh a little at the situation. I push my self up pulling Ella with me. SHe goes to get the door and i go over to my phone thats on the bedside table. I see i have 2 missed calls one from Jai and one from Beau. Then i got a text from Marissa. Crap Marissa i forgot about her. Well at the start i knew it wasent gonna work out so i told her not to hold her breath. 

Ella opened the door and i heard to girls talking. I walked over to the door and try and listen. 

"Hey taylor what have you been up to?" Ella asked her. Half her body was out the door and the other in. then she started moving her hand signaling me to hind. I ran to her closet and went behind the longer items to try and not show my legs if Taylor came in.

"See taylor I told you no one was in here." Ella said in a matter-of-fact ton.

"Not just yet." Taylor answered. I heard her foot steps coming closer to the closet door. She opened it and i heald my breath. I could just see Taylors face.

"Alreight your all good Ella. I just thought i heard you talking to someone in here. Maybe i am inmagining things." Taylor said closing the door to the closet.

"Yup can you get out for a little i am gonna get dressed and take Julies to preschool." Ella said trying to think of a way to get her out of her room.

"No need Rose already took her for you." Taylor replyed 

"Oh well i might just go out at get some breakfast so i still need to get dressed." Ella said coming up with somthing. I dont know how this amussed me but i was trying so hand not to laugh. My face was probably bright red from holding in the laughter. 

"OK what even." Taylor said and i heard foot steps go down the hall. 

I came out from behid the clothes and opened the door to the closet. reveling Ella looking under the bed for me. haha she is so cute. 

I grabed her waist and pulled her up. She gasped from shook. 

"God Beau you scared me." She wispered giggling a little. God i loved that giggle. I could nt help it anymore. I smiled at her and then without warning i pushed her agenst the wall and kissed her agian. 

***Ella's POV*** 

Taylor came home. Crap. If she see's Beau all of LA will know by the end of the day. I poked my head put blocking her view from seeing in my room and guestured for Beau to hide. taylor said she heard a deep voice talking in here with me and i said i was watching something on the tv. Once I finaly got Taylor to leave the room i went searching fr Beau because there were not many places for him to hide in my room so i am surprised Taylor didnt find him. I looked undermy bed till i felt two strong arms wrap aroud me from behind and pull me up. I knew it was Beau but it still took me buy surprise. 

"God Beau you scared me." I said wispering because i didnt want taylor to come up again. but i could not help but giggle at the events that just occured. Befor i knew it i was being pushed up agenst the wall and Beuas lips were on mine. I kissed him back and i loved everysecond of it. We both stated to breath heavy. Bea stoped the little makeout session and rested her forhead agent mine. 

He looked int to my eyes and said in an out of breath way, "Ella Be mine." Some girls would want a big thing form the person if they asked them out but I dont like big things. I am simple. Adn even though he still had to regain his breathing i knew he was out breath because of me. All i had to d owas look into his eyes and see all the lust and love he really had for me. 

I answered my nodding my head smiling. He smiled back and kissed me agian. His hands onmy waist and mine resting on his neck. We kept kissing only pulling away for a breath. one of his hands travled down to my thigh and rubbed it. Fuck he found me wak spot. My legs. Dont judge me. IF Beau wasent holdingmy beack right now i might have mealted in his hands right there. 

I heard Beau maon into me mouth and i smiled into the kiss. Knowing i could make him do somthing ike that, that i had tha teffect on him, made me feel powerful and dominent. Beau moved his hands to cup my face in his palms pulling me closer to him. i droped my hands to his shirt lip and ran me hands up hid cheast through under his shirt. 

Just then the door was opened. 

Auothers note: 

Hey yall! You like? Hope so i couldent sleep so i wroke this at 6 am on a saturday morning. I am insain i know . Vote, comment, share. Enjoy loves

                        ~Arianna xx

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