3- hard to get

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***Ella's POV***

How can this be happening. Thats all i cound think; how could this be happening. Its been a week since i went to the beach with Beau and the others. Its only been a mother fucking week into the plan to get rid of the 'player' but things could never go my way. So here i am thinking 'how can the be happening'. Tonight the boys are having a party at their house and We are all pretty drunk at the moment. Its around 1am but i still know perfectly well what just happened. Luke was drunk out of his mind. Talk about shit faced. And we were talking to Beau when this guy, Andrew came up to me and asked me to dance. I said yes and we made our way over to the dance floor as Luke and Beau continued talking. I looked back and Beau was staring at me.

Things with Andrew were getting heated on the dance floor but every time i looked over Beau was still there he was still staring at me. He knew i was drunk so it was ok for me to act this way. Until Beau made his way over to me and Mark.

"I can take it from here mate." Beau said as he pushed Andrew off me and i just stood there.

"Beau!" i moaned "We were dancing i want to dance." i said acting like i was 5

"I will dance with you" Beau smirked and reached for my hands.

I let him take my hands in his and we started to dance along with the beat of the music. I moved my hips from side to side and just had fun but i could feel Beaus eyes on me. I looked at him and saw he was as stiff as a rock.

"Come on loser dance." i said pulling him to me.

"Teach me how to dance?" he asked

"Well how do you want to dance." I said to him

He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Like how you and that guy were dancing." i felt a smile spread on his face and i just stood there.

I finally regained my confidence and said something. "Oh thats easy." I said pulling him behind me.

I knew he already knew how to dance like this but he was just being like this so he had an excuse to push his body up on mine. He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me to his body. Our hight was the same so everything matched up perfectly. His head was on the side of mine and he was breathing down my neck. The music got louder and the lights were almost completely off other then the little strobe lights set up around the room. I put my hands on Beaus and we started to move to the music. We were getting more into it and i liked it, alot. But i cant let Beau have me, not yet at least.

I pulled his head closer to my neck and whispered to him, "Your so bad." He kissed my neck and i placed a small kiss on his cheek as i turned to look at him. "Sorry not sorry." i said and with that walked off.


I watched as she walked away with some random dude. Not me. my heart sunk. But i couldn't just let her go now, i am hooked. And i am never going to let go. She was drunk but fully aware of what she was doing. I watched at they moved together, my blood boiling but my body was also pushing the need for her. i had to do something.

I walked over to her and the boy, "I can take it from here mate." i said as i shoved him away from Ella.

"Beau! We were dancing i want to dance." she said to me. Aww she is so cute when she is like this, she is always cute.

"I will dance with you." i said an took her hands as we danced. She knew how to move. My dance moves compered to hers were shit i cant embarrass myself so i stood still.

"Come on loser dance." she said to me.

"Teach me how to dance." i Asked her, i just got a great idea, one that will make her mine, i couldn't hlep but smirk.

"Well how do you want to dance?" she asked turing to me

i came close to her, so close i could taste it, "Like how you and that guy danced." i said and pulled back looking at her pefect face that saw staring at me in shook.

"Okay thats easy." She said like it was nothing, but i knew she liked it.

She pulled me behind her and i placed my hand on her hips an pushed her onto me. Her perfect ass fell right on top of my crotch area. And we started to move together. Our motions were perfectly in sink. I knew where i wanted this to end up, i just hope she was thinking the same thing. i heard her moan a little as we danced and i knew i had her. She pulled my face down so her lips were at my ear and then she spoke. "Your so bad." She said and i kissed her neck lightly yet rough. She pulled out of my arms and turned to me. "Sorry not sorry" she said and then walked away. She just left me standing there. I needed to do something i knew i needed her. More than any other girl i ever got with. I needed Ella and my body yearned for her. Just a slight touch by her and i would be on cloud 9.

I chased after her. Trough the sea of people, and grabbed her by her waist pulling her with me. We went out side to the backyard were some people were in the pool or just hanging around. i Pulled her with me to the side of the house and pushed her on the wall. She didn't say anything, she just looked at me. My hands on either side of her head. I came closer to her and leaned my head in. My lips hing over hers and i whispered to her "I can play hard to get too." And with that i crashed my lips onto her. She was stunned, i could tell, but she kissed back anyway. She ran her figers trough my hair and my snap back fell off but i didn't care. I detached our lips and kissed along her gaw line.

"You didn't really think i ould let you just walk away did you." i said and my voice cracked a little as i moved my head to her neck. I kissed it lightly and went down to her caller bone, sucking on it but gently to leave the slightest red mark. "Beau" she moned my name. I knew then and there.

I was falling for Ella, hard and fast.

There was no going back now



Authors note: Hey sorry i never really post authors note. Tell me how you like the book , any tips/ ideas, let me know. Thanks loves

xx <3 Arianna

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