Fresh x Pms reader

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You lay on the couch clutching your stomach in pain worried about when Fresh will come home. You and Fresh have been dating for about seven months and you both loved each other very much. Even though he was a parasite, he loved you with all his soul and never tried to possess you. You were knocked out of your thoughts when you heard Fresh's voice.

"What's up my rad buttercup!" He stopped dead in his tracks when her heard you whimper. "Hey homie what's wrong?" he asks. "I'm on my period." you respond. Fresh was confused and went to call Alphys. When he walked back to you he started to comfort you. He picked you up bridal style and carried you to your room that you two shared. He laid you on his chest and heated up his body temperature and acted as a heating pad for you. You started to cry. He wiped away your tears and kissed your forehead. A few minutes later you both fell asleep.

It was three in the morning and you started to toss and turn. Fresh woke up to check on you, but you were already in the bathroom. Fresh stayed near the door just in case. You walked out and laid back down on the bed. Fresh laid with you and you fell asleep peacefully.

The next day you woke up, Fresh woke up too. "Morning." he said. " Morning" you responded. Fresh got up and went to make breakfast. After you two ate you cuddled on the couch. You wanted to see Fresh's eyes. He has shown you them before but you wanted to see them agian. "Fresh can I see your eyes?" you ask. Fresh nodded and didn't hesitate to take them off. " Your eyes are so pretty." you said. " I know and I will do anything for you baby." he replied and you two shared a loving kiss.

It's been a few days and you got better. Fresh gave you chocolates and stayed by your side. "Thanks for taking care of me Freshy." you said. "No probs babe." and you cuddled the night away.
Ok I hope you all enjoyed your time with Freshy. Remember don't be afraid to request and have a great day or night.

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