Naj Cil x Poor Reader pt 2

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   Over time you and Cil have gotten closer as friends. Until one day Cil saw you and your father at the park. He was yelling at you and slapped you in your face and left you there crying. Cil rushed to your side. "Hey you ok?" you nodded. PJ and Palette rushed toward you two. "Bro is she okay? What happened!" the boys looked at you in worry. "Who was that? Why did he do that to you?" you sat up and sighed. "He's my father. My mother was raped by him when she was my age. When I was born my mother told me I was really malnourished. He treated us like slaves and we both had little money." your eyes started to water. "He *hic* abused me... Made me starve..... A-and he...." you clinged onto Cil and cried. He started to pet your hair. PJ and Palette also joined in the hug. Cil wiped ypur eyes and looked at you. "So that's why you have those bruises and you always wear the same outfit everyday." PJ said. You nodded. "You and your mom can come live with us!" Palette exclaimed. "Are you sure. I mean we don't want to bother you guys." "It's ok. We have spare rooms and our dads won't mind." you sniffed and smiled. "Thanks guys."

------------------3 months later-------------------

   You were in the guest room with your mom but woke up from a nightmare. You got up and walked to Cil's room and knocked on the door. There you saw Cil.............. Without a shirt.


You blushed and asked if you can sleep with him and he said yes. You walked to his bed and before you can sit down Cil wrapped his arms around you. "(Y/n) for the past months we spend time with each other I loved you and I hope you love me back." tears came to your eyes and you hugged him. "Yes! Yes I love you! Your the nicest person I've ever met!" Cil cupped your cheeks and came in for a kiss. The kissed lasted for about 3 minutes then you two pulled apart and lied down in his bed cuddling each other. "I love you Cil" " I love you too."

Little did you know Error, Ink, PJ, Palette, and your mom saw the whole thing while Palette recorded it and sent it to everyone at school.
Wow 2 chapters in one day. Welp have a good day Reader-Chan.

- Star

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