Error Sans x Yuki (My OC)

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What I forgot to mention about Yuki is that she's really shy and has the ability to manipulate water (you know like in the movie/tv series Avatar) and is a warrior princess.
Yuki's POV
  I woke up in a strange place. It was white and empty. It seemed like there was no one around for miles. I didn't like being here. I hate being alone by myself. I curled up into a ball, hugging my knees and cried.

Error's POV
I was checking on my puppets, then i hear crying. I saw a girl, so I grabbed the with my strings. I got a better look at her. She was a neko. Snow white hair, icy blue eyes, an aqua blue and white sleeveless dress. I have to admit, she may be a glitch, but D*NM SHE CUTE! "Why are you here?" She didn't say anything, but I did see tears in her eyes so I put her down.

Author's POV
  Yuki looked up at the glitchy skeleton before her. She lowered her head and started to speak. "I-I d-d-don't know w-why I'm here. I j-j-just appeared here." she said in a soft voice. Error's face was starting to be dusted with yellow because of how cute she looks. Error helped her stand to her feet. She was shorter than him, about up to his shoulder. "Oh, my apologies. My n-name is Yuki. Warrior princess of the water elemental." Yuki said. "Error, Destroyer of AU's" he replied. Yuki gave a questioning yet scared look. "Why do you destroy them?" Error stayed silent, that was until Yuki tilted her head to the side. She sighed. "It's ok, you don't have to tell me." she gave him a warm smile. He gave one back, a genuine one.

----------------------1 year later--------------------

  Yuki lived with Error for a year now. Error built a house in the anti- void to make her more comfortable. Error also did confessed his love to her and she happily accepted. Right now, Yuki was on the couch sleeping......... Wearing some shorts, a tank top, and Error's jacket. Error came in and saw her sleeping. He went over and kissed her forehead. Moments later, Error was hit with something wet.

(It's not what u think ya nasties)

  Behind him, he saw Yuki giggling with a small amount of floating water above her palm. Error knew this was the day so he went under the kitchen sink and started to throw water balloons. As Yuki got splashed she started laughing and throwing more water until they were both soaked. Error walked over to her. "Hehe, love ya kitten." he said as he kissed her cheek. Yuki blushed a violent red as she shyly kissed back. "I-I-I l-love you too."

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