I Will Always Protect You: Naj PJ x Wheelchair! Allergenic! Reader

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   It was your first day. You were really nervous. Your mom helped you out of the car and put you in your wheelchair.  All your life your legs were paralyzed and you never been able to walk. You were also allergic to lots of thing so you always have your medication and allergy pens near you. You hoped to make some friends at your new school. You said goodbye to your mom and made your way to the doors. You went into the office and got your schedule and made your way to your locker. On your way you accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention." you apologized. "Hehe that's ok. My name's Fresh." he held out your hand to shake. You shake his hand then you started to hyperventilate. Fresh gave you a worried look while you pulled out your inhaler. "Sorry about that. I have a lot of allergies. Oh and I'm (y/n)" you said. "That's ok I understand. Nice to meet you." he said. You both chat and got to meet the rest of his friends.

  You went to your locker to get some books for your next class. When you backed up you bumped into the one and only PJ. Fresh warned you about PJ and his friends. "Watch were your going nerd!" he shouted. You started to hyperventilate abd got your inhaler and took it. PJ gave you a strange look. "What was that for." he asked. You looked up at him. "That was for my allergies I have a lot of them." you replied. PJ nodded his head and left. At lunch time you got out your lunch box and sat by Fresh and his friends. Your mom packed you lunch for you since you can't have gluten. Then the jocks came in and went to your table. "Hehe well look at what we have here. Another nerd who can't walk." one of them said. You quickly got out your inhaler but it was slapped out of you hands. PJ saw this and told them to back off and gave you your inhaler. You thanked him and he gave you a small smiled.

   The next day you were waiting for you mom to pick you up until the jocks crowded around you. "Hey nerd. We heard you have allergies. Let's see what your allergic to." They pushed you out of you wheelchair and dragged you to the grass. You stater to sneeze violently because of the pollen. You called for help but they started to kick you.

(PJ's POV)
  I was on my way out from practice until I saw that girl from yesterday. She wasn't in her wheelchair and was sneezing and wheezing. Then those douchebags started to kick her. She was having a allergic reaction from all the pollen. I ran over there and punched on of them. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED HER!" They ran away. I rushed to her side and asked her what she needs. "M-my *wheeze* allergy *wheeze* pen." I nodded and took the pen and made contact with her skin. She inhaled deeply and thanked me. I helped her back in the wheelchair. We talked for a while until her mom came. "Thanks for helping me." she said. Then she kissed me on the cheekbone. She waved and left.

~ a few months later~

(Author's POV)

  It's been a few months since PJ had asked you out and you happily said yes. You were eating lunch with him and he left to go get a napkin. One of the jocks came up to you and placed a chocolate on your plate. "That's from PJ." they said. You unwrapped the treat and ate it. Then started to wheeze. It turns out it had peanut butter in it. The jock pushed you down and started to beat you. PJ came and sucker punch them. He grabbed your allergy pen and help you up. "Why did you give me that? He said that was from you." you said. "Baby I know good and well not to give you peanut butter." He said as he checked for any bruises. "I promise that I'll always protect you." he said as he hugged you. "I love you." "I love you too."
WHOO!!! LORDY that has too be the longest one I have written. Hope you all enjoyed also please give me requests I got nothing so far. Laters!!!

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