UL Sans x Dancer Reader

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A/N: Just so everyone knows this is NOT a lemon. I don't do lemons.
  Just your luck, you fell down a hole and everyone around you are either pervs or sluts. You past through the ruins and found yourself in a snowy area. It was a little cold, and all you were wearing was some sweatpants, (F/C) shoes, and a (F/C) long sleeved belly shirt. You brought a bah with you that was filled with extra dance clothes and music. You then heard a twig snap behind you. All your life you were curious, so you turned around and saw a skeleton in some really pervy clothing. "Hey sweetheart. My names Sans, Sans the skeleton~." You gave him an uncomfortable look and just kept walking. You knew what he was thinking so you decided to be smart and walk away. He caught up to you and grabbed you arm. "What's in the bag sweet thing~." "Dance things." You replied. "Oh, so your a dancer. I bet you have some sweet moves.~" You nodded. You then started to walk with him, talking about yourselves. You then saw another skeleton walking towards you both. "SANS. IS THAT A HUMAN~" he asked. You nodded. "WHAT'S YOU NAME CUTIE?" "(Y/N) and I'm a dancer." you replied. "OH, A DANCER. WELL HUMAN MY NAME IS PAPYRUS. WILL YOU MIND SHOWING US SOME MOVES?" He asked. You nodded and got out your portable stereo. (Play song at top, also too lazy to write lyrics)

  When you finished, both of the boys were shocked. "Heh, I forgot to tell you guys I was a break dancer. Oops." You said nervously. Both Sans and Papyrus were impressed and invited you to stay at their place.

(Tem- skip)

It's been a year since you met the skele-bros and you and Sans have been dating for eight months. He never did anything to you and respected your boundaries. You were in Sans's room stretching when Sans walked in on you. " Hi Sansy." " Hey sweetheart, you wanna go to Grilby's with me?" "Why?" "I want to share my baby's talent, to show how amazing you are at dancing." You thought about it and agreed. When you both arrived, you got on stage and pulled out your travel stereo. Everyone was looking at you strangely but Sans was smiling at you, nodding to tell you to start when you are ready. You took a breath and started the song. (Play song at top again)

  When you finished your dance the whole place was silent you walked off stage and grabbed Sans's hand and walked out. "Hey sweetheart, you did good." "They just stared Sans, they don't like my dancing." You felt tears starting to form. Sans noticed and kissed you gently. " Hey, if they didn't like your dancing, just remember that you are special to me. I love you." You smiled and hugged him. "I love you too."
A/N: Whooo. Alright another one done. The reason I did this is because I auditioned to join the dance team at my school today and I hope I made it. Whish me luck. Bye everyone!

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