I Will Always Love You: Reapertale Sans x Reader

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   You lived with Toriel and she treated you like her own daughter. You had the power to give people the feeling of happiness and love. You were also great friends with Papyrus. Today he wanted you to meet his brother Sans, god of death. You nodded and followed him. Your white dress outshines the dark area you have arrived in.

Sans's POV
  I was doing nothing. Bored out of my fricking existence until I heard Papyrus. Next to him was the most beautiful being I have ever seen. Her (h/c) hair, those shining (e/c) eyes, that beautiful white dress, everything about her was perfect. "HELLO BROTHER!!! THIS IS MY FRIEND (Y/N)!!" She put out her hand to give me a handshake. "Hi Sans!" "Not a good idea kiddo. If you touch me you'll die." She seemed sad but still smiled. "Oh. I understand." God that smile. She's too adorable.

temskip (not sorry)

Your POV
  It's been a few months since I met Sans. He's so nice! One time be told me I was really pretty so I told him I found him cute. We both blushed at each other's comments. Today Sans told me he wanted to tell me something.


  I found Sans and skipped over to him. "Hi Sans!" "Heya kiddo." He seemed really nervous. I could tell cause his face was blue. "So we known each other for a long time and I was wondering if ..... y-you would like to g-go out?" I was so shock I was at a lost of words. "Hehe. It's okay I can respect your decisi..." "YES!! Yes I will!! I would hug you right now but.... I'm afraid to die."

Sans's POV
  Her smile faltered. I hate seeing her sad so I took a risk.......... I kissed her. I could tell she was shocked cause she gasped when I did it. I pulled back and she didn't die. "I'm alive!!" She was so happy she hugged me till we both fell to the ground. "I love you Sans!" "Hehe and I will always love you."
Hello readers. I won't be able to post often because of school.


Dang it school. I'll try to post as often as I can. Stay awesome


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