UF Sans x Timid! Bunny! Reader

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Merry Christmas everyone!! Also I'm not dead! I hope you have a happy new year and enjoy this oneshot.
  You have fallen down here scared and afraid in your bunny form. You had the power to change into a human but still kept your ears and your cotton ball tail. You mainly stayed in your bunny form. Only Toriel knew about this and allowed you to live with her due to your kindness. You lived with her for weeks but being the curious one you are she allowed you to exit the ruins.

  In you bunny form, you hopped down a snowy path. You stopped at a bridge with no way across. You turned to find another way only to be met with a skeleton. "What's a small thing like you doing down here?" you sat there frozen in fear and began to shake. "Hey, it's ok. Name's Sans, Sans the skeleton. I'm probably gonna have to name you." He reached to pick you up and you noticed that his hold was gentle. "How am I gonna hide you from my bro? Hmm, I'll just keep you in my room." You snuggled up to his jacket and fell asleep.


When you woke up, you were at Sans' house. He walked up to his room and sat you down and started to pet you. 'He seems so nice, he has to know sooner or later.' you thought. You backed away and started to turn into your human form. "Uh, h-hi m-my n-name is (y-y/n)." Sans looked at you in shock and said nothing. You felt guilty and timidly lowered you head. "I-I'm sorry. I s-should have turned into this when we first met. I understand if you want me to leave." you turned around to leave until Sans stopped you. "No don't leave. If someone saw you like this they would for sure take your soul. You can still stay with me." You nodded your head and stayed.

-----------3 months later----------

You befriended everyone in the underground but some monsters still wanted your soul. You met Papyrus and he decided to keep you alive. So did Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, and Asgore. You and Sans also became a couple.

You were sitting on the couch, watching tv snuggled up to Sans. "Hey sweetheart." you looked up at him not intending to be the most adorable thing on the planet but that failed. You were too adorable, that Sans' face exploded in a red blush. He cupped you cheek and started to kiss all over your face. You giggled and gripped his jacket until he stopped. When he did you took him by surprise and kissed hi teeth. "I love you Sansy." he blushed at the nickname. "I love you too."
So there's your oneshot. Hope you all have a happy holidays

- Star

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