Naj PJ x Emo! Reader

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You were walking to your next class....... Gym. You never talked much and always kept your right eye covered by your hair. You always wore a black shirt, and a black mini skirt with white and a deep shade of (f/c). You always creeped people out but your only friend was Fresh. Fresh new that your soul wasn't always dark, you watched a lot of anime and drew a lot of cute chibi characters.

You walked through the gym doors and saw PJ. The feeling you always got around him was new to you, so you figured it was happiness. You change into your gym cloths and waited for Mr. Error to blow the whistle. "Ok today we will be playing dogeball. Boys vs girls." Everyone split into their teams and the game started.


You and PJ were the only ones left. You honestly didn't move an inch since the game started and kept your head down. PJ threw the ball and you raised you head a little and the ball hit you in the face and you fell back. Fresh came to your side. "(Y/n)!! Are you ok!" you nodded. "Don't worry. The spirits will take me sooner or later." Fresh shook his head and helped you up for lunch.

After school you went outside to the corner you always sat in to draw and sing. Little did you know that someone heard you.

Dad yelled at me for throwing the ball at that weird girl so now I have to find her and apologize. I went to the back of the school and I heard singing.

I hate you. I love you
I hate that I want you
Don't want to but i can't put nobody else above you.
I hate you I love you
I hate that I want you
You want her. You need her. But I'll never be her.

I looked over at the corner and found that emo girl. She was actually really cute now that I noticed. She must have saw me cause she started to run, but I caught her before she could get anywhere.

(Y/n)'s POV
I struggled against PJ's grip but he was too strong. I stopped struggling and accepted my fate. At least the spirits are with me. I sat back down in my corner and lowered my head. PJ picked up my sketchbook and found my latest drawing.

(Art is mine)

(I had some trouble getting the pic so my art is at top)

Author's POV
PJ flipped through your sketchbook and saw all of your chibi characters. He looked at you with your (e/c) half lidded. "Cute drawings. I guess you aren't as dark as I thought you were." you looked up at him a little and motioned him to sit next to you. PJ looked at you sadly. "Hey, sorry for throwing that dogeball at your face." you looked at him. "It's fine. The spirits tried to protect me." you took your sketchbook in your arms. "I also watch anime." PJ looked at you shocked. "Wow. I didn't expect that from a emo. I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow." you looked at him and smiled a little and nodded.

-a few months later-

You and PJ have been close for months but today you were distant. You didn't talk at all and never made eye contact, which gotten you into trouble with the other jocks. School was over and it was raining, and you didn't have an umbrella. You looked at the sky as raindrops fell on your face. "Spirits please, I don't deserve your pity." you whispered as you started walking home until the rain stopped above you. Beside you, PJ had his jacket above the both. "What's wrong?You didn't talk to me today." You both stopped walking and you started to cry. "*sniff* M-my parent's *hic* died this morning........ and *sniff* the other j-jocks beat me up and...... and..." PJ puts his jacket on your shoulders and hugs you not caring about the rain. You cried into his chest and hugged him tight. "I'm sorry for your loss. At least their with the spirits now." he said trying to make you feel better. You laughed a little and nodded. PJ pulled away from the hug and looked into your (e/c) eye and moved the strand of hair that was covering your other eye. You both leaned in and shared a loving kiss.
"I love you (y/n)" you smiled and hugged him. "I love you too PJ"

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