New beginning's

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// trigger warning // this page dose have a paragraph or two explaining a few sensitive subjects. Abuse and self harm,, aside from that I hope you all Enjoy the first page of this book, it may seem a bit dull and not scary at all right now but if you keep reading then you will uncover each and every secret!!! Eehhh I will honestly continue to write this a few pages more but honestly if I don't get a lot of reads or votes or comments or anything on it then I figure why write it??? So I hope you continue to read to find out more!!! xx Beverly


The night seemed to have grown. People walked by me in pairs, the couple would laugh and then lace there fingers through one and another's. I sat in the same spot most of the night, no one here at this party seamed worth while. I stood up and brushed off the dirt from the ground off of my dress. I tried to walk fast, pushing past girls, and guys who were all mainly drunk.

      " a hangover is coming your way boys."

I mumbled to myself, giggling a bit at the words I said.

I continued to push past the crowds of people, by now my head was faced downwards. I kept my eyes on my feet that kept getting stepped on. I managed to weave through the crowd, I looked up, a foot stepped back after I jumped back in pain.

"Oh, great. Are you ok? I'm so sorry I didn't see your foot, I was focused on getting outta this crowded place, heh, anyways I'm so sorry again!"

I could see the heat rush up to the awkward teens cheeks as he placed his hand behind his head and nervously rubbed his neck.

  " I suppose we're both trying to get away from the same thing then huh? "

I said giving off a faint laugh,

"Hey my names Ava,"

I extended my arm towards his,

" my names Dylan " he said reaching his hand out towards mine.

"This party isn't really my thing-"

   I took him by surprise when I laced my fingers through his, "cmon then, let's get out of here" I quickly guided Dylan through the rest of the crowd. After a few minutes I could feel the heat rush up to my cheeks. Our hands still laced together. As we passed the whole party, I looked up towards Dylan. His hair was a dark brown, every strand of hair seemed to be curled, his deep blue eyes looked into mine, freckles splattered across his face as he gave me a nervous smile. With his free hand he pushed up his thick rimmed glasses.

"Where we headed to?" Dylan asked looking up at me.

We might have not known each other 20 minutes ago but there was something about him. I felt like him running into me happened for a reason, I felt like our hands were meant to be laced throughout each other's, I felt a different feeling, a good feeling.

"Lets go to my house. No one is home" I nervously said giving Dylan's hand a squeeze.

"I, i uh-"

Quickly I cut Dylan off,

"Don't worry its not like I'm going to steel any of your innocence from you" I laughed rolling my eyes "let's just watch a movie? Dose that sound alright? "

I was wrong. I was so wrong. Where stories live. Discover now