Cold days

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Authors note; thank you for the views and few favorites! I will continue to write the story,,, I hope you all are enjoying it!! Please continue to read and vote!!


My heart pounded as I awoke to the sound of a loud beeping noise, it was Dylan's phone. The clock read 6;50am and school started at 7;55am. I pulled on Dylan's arm, he rolled over and grabbed his glasses off of the dresser next to my bed. I pushed him back down on to the pillow, his curls messily pressed against his forehead, I pushed them back and gave him a quick kiss. Dylan smiled as he grabbed my hand and pulled us out of bed, I yawned as I threw on a pair of overalls and a white shirt, I crossed the hallway to my bathroom and grabbed the blue polkadotted brush off of the counter. I quickly combed through my curls and put my hair into a low ponytail. Strands of my hair fell out towards the front but I left them. As I walked into the kitchen I saw Dylan already waiting at the bottom of the steps, he still had on my paint t-shirt and he held his old red shirt and red hoodie in his arm. I grabbed the keys off of the counter and out into the cold morning air we went.

" hey, so my mom. Well she just- she is very overprotective and very paranoid all the time, but last night she stayed the night with my grandma, so she doesn't know I was gone and can you just not sa-" Dylan said all this while we sat in my car I listened to him talk as I started the engine. I cut him off to calm his worries.

"Dylan, " I grabbed his hand as I started to pull out of the small driveway.

" don't worry if she is there I will not say anything, I tell her I just gave you a ride and you forgot some of your stuff so we came back."

I placed my hand back onto the steering wheel,

" where do you live anyways? "

" just go down to blocks and I am the last house on the left, "

I followed Dylan's instructions, out of the corner of my rearview mirror I could see a figure he seemed have been a man older than us maybe in his 30s. He was big, he stood around 6"7 , he had strands of hair hanging down, covering his face. he had a black hoodie and jeans covering his whole body. The morning air was thick and foggy so it's hard to make out anything but it seemed as if The man was directly looking at us sitting in the car. I quickly grabbed Dylan's hand and gave it a tight squeeze,

" who is that," I said in a faint whisper


"That man, I said pulling into Dylan's driveway and pointing behind us, the figure was gone.

"Must have just been a man walking to work or something." These words made me feel reassured, I shook my head as I tried to not think about the figure.

"My moms here," Dylan said taking a deep breath.

"Don't worry, lets go" I let loose of Dylan's hand and grabbed my keys and bag, I locked up the car behind me as I walked next to Dylan as the door to his home opened. A women stood in the doorframe, she had a wrinkled tired face with long brown wavy curls that were turning a grey tone. She had a smile that was comforting, the woman welcomed dylan into the house, her eyes seemed to have grew wide with joy when she saw me holding onto Dylan's hand.

I stopped and shook Dylan's moms hand, she welcomed me with joy.

" oh, hello!! Come in, it's cold outside you must be freezing," Dylan's mom grabbed my hand and pulled me inside,

"Dylan's never had a friend that was a girl before,"

I let out a nervous laugh, Dylan did the same as he stepped between his mom and me,

I was wrong. I was so wrong. Where stories live. Discover now