Dry blood

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Authors note; wow heck thank you for 100 reads! Please vote and comment,,! I hope you enjoy this chapter ,,

My knees shook with every step I took, I could feel the sweat build up in the palm of mine and Dylan's hand, he looked at me before entering the kitchen. Inside we went,

"Nice to see your finally awake and ready, diners on it's way. Sit." Jared pulled out two Chairs and sat us down, my stomach growled as I took my seat. I looked in the kitchen to see Jenny moving around pots and pans. I watched her as she grabbed four plates out of the cupboard, she came over and placed them on the table along with forks and knifes, I looked at dylan when she handed us the knife my eyes grew big. Dylan's hand let go of mine as he clenched the knife in his hand he was about to sand up but I put my hand on him knee and gave it a tight squeeze, under my breath I mumbled

"We have to wait," Dylan gave me a look and sat back down slowly.

"Jen! Where's that food!" I guess Jenny's nick name was Jen. I looked at her through the door that was gently cracked open, she rushed to grab the food, I stood up to go help her. Jared gave me a smile, I opened the door as Jenny brought out a salad and some dressings I went into the kitchen and grabbed the plate of meat, it looked like pork. In my other hand I grabbed a bole that had over three servings of mashed potatoes and gravy inside of it. I set them down on the table along with the salad and steamed vegetables. Me and Jenny quickly took our seats, Jared looked over to Jenny, Jared grabbed my hand in his,

" we're preying." I guess Jared had felt my hand tense up when he grabbed my fingers. His palms were warm and his skin was rough. I reached out to grab Dylan's hand, we laced our fingers together as dylan reached and grabbed his moms and soon Jenny's fingers were laced through Jared's, all our hands were interlocked.

" thank you lord for this meal that has been provided for us, please help me and Dylan to be able to protect our family. Bless you lord. Amen." We all raised our heads as Jared's raspy voice rang through my head. I looked over at the meat, I couldn't eat that.
We passed around the food as I took the salad,potatoes,and vegetables I didn't take any of the meat. Dylan looked over to me and i realized I still had my hand wrapped in his, I unlaced our fingers and we began to eat.

"Ava, why aren't you eating the meat?" Jared's voice startled me,

" I can't, I'm vegetarian"

Jared laughed, he placed two pieces of meat on my plate, I watched as Jared shoved food into his mouth. Jenny looked up at me and gently shook her head from side to side, she didn't want me to eat the meat. I picked around the meat as I finished up my plate, Jenny's eyes were full of tears as the dug her nails into the table, I looked over to ware she was looking, she watched as dylan shoved the meat into his mouth. Jenny took a deep breath and looked down.

Dinner was over I still hadn't eaten the meat, before Jared could see it on my plate Jenny stacked the plates on top of each other and took them into the kitchen.

"Ava go help her wash dishes, now." I nodded. My head and shut the kitchen door behind me, I Heard muffles behind the door, I listened to what they were saying

"I'll go help them,"

"No. Sit, that's the woman's job"


"Dylan. Don't argue, we provide the protection and they clean and prepare meals for us"

I walked away from the door taking a deep breath, I watched Jenny scrape the pieces of meat I hadn't eaten into the garbage and she piled paper towels on top.

I was wrong. I was so wrong. Where stories live. Discover now