The escape

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I watched as Jared and Chris smiled, Jenny backed up slowly. She didn't say a word, I focused on Dylan's rapid heart beat. My breaths were heavy, I could barley feel my legs. My nose ran, my eyes burned. I screamed as Jared pulled Dylan away from me, Dylan grabbed my hand, his eyes watered, his face was a shade of white. My vision was blurred, I wiped away my tears so I could she what was happening. I watched as Chris picked up the two girls and walked them into basement. The bloody foot prints. They've killed before, I screamed as Jared picked me up and walked me down into the basement, Jenny begged for Jared to stop, but he didn't. Dylan followed behind Jared, his face was pale and he kept his gaze to the ground. There were a long flight of cement steps that circled round and round, my head felt like it spun. Jared gripped my body tighter as I wiggled around. We made our way past all the steps and finally we stood in a large room, hooks hung down from the cement ceiling. Blood splattered the walls, Jared dropped me onto the cold dirty floor, there was a freezer that sat in the corner of the room, blood dripped down the sides. It must be ware they keep the meat. Jared helped Chris hang the girls, Jenny ran over to me, Dylan stood next to Chris like he was told.

" the door is open. "


" go Ava. Go get help!"

I gasped and ran up the stairs,

"Jenny go get her!" Jared's voice echoed up the stairs, I could here Jenny's faint footsteps behind me, I made it to the top, jenny smiled and gave a small wave, her long brown grey hair hung down and sat in her shoulders.

"Bring back help."

I nodded my head as I grabbed a kitchen knife, I ran over to the front door that was still cracked open from when Jared and Chris ran inside. I stepped onto the porch, my lungs filled with the crisp evening air, I ran and ran as fast as my bare feet could take me. I Followed the driveway, the sun started to set, my feet ached and my head throbbed, my legs and arms felt numb. My lungs burned as I continued to run for miles and miles, I stopped as the moon glowed over my skin, I looked in front of me there was nothing but trees and trees, for miles it was all just trees I had no where else to go. I walked into the dark forest, my feet felt numb as I walked on the cold wet leaves. There was no sound, except for the branches I would occasionally step on, I felt a warm liquid run down from my nose, I wiped it away to only realize it was blood. My eyes grew heavy as my knees shook underneath me, I walked and walked. The moon was bright, must have been walking for hours. I saw a road. I ran over to it the pavement was cold. I started to shake as I heard a car, a blue car drove down the road, I stood in the middle of the pavement, the car lights shone on my face. I smiled as I made my way over to the cars door, there was a man and women in there thirties, two teenage children a bit younger than me sat in the back, the looked to be fourteen or so, there eyes grew large when they saw me. My voice shook as they rolled down the window.

"M-my names Ava, please help."

"Wh-what? "

"T-they kidnaped me ple-please turn around and take me with you, they are cannibals, the-y will kill you." The couple grew silent as the woman got out and opened the back door to her car, the children's eyes grew with tears and I sat next to them, I started to shake, the woman got back into the car, the man turned around fast and followed the road they had come. I smiled I could finally get help. We saw another pair of headlights, it was Jenny's car, Dylan sat in the passenger seat, Fresh blood splattered all over his glasses and face, he looked at me as Jared pulled out a gun, the couples eyes grew wide as I screamed, I ducked as Jared pointed the gun. It went straight into the woman's head. Jared aimed three more times, he had killed those innocent people. He got out of the car, along with Dylan. Dylan ran over to me, the blood from his face and hands smeared against me. He pressed his chapped lips against mine, I looked down at my clothes there were covered in the children's blood. Jared grabbed me by the hair. His face and hands were covered with blood as well, Dylan grabbed me and desperately tried to pull me away from Jared's grip. Jared pushed Dylan away, I grabbed the kitchen knife out of my pocket and swung it down into Jared's foot, he stumbled backwards and yelled in pain. I got on my feet, I grabbed Dylan's hand and ran, I ran and ran, we tripped multiple times but we continued to run. Jenny's car lights turned on, Jared pressed on the gas as he passed us, he stopped the car and got out. I swung the knife hoping it would hit Jared, it didn't, he slapped it out of my hand, he pressed the gun against my forehead. Dylan froze, his hand tightened around mine, tears started to fall from my eyes.

"Shoot me."

"Ava don't say-"

"Dylan shut up!"

Dylan unlaced his hand from mine as he pulled my frozen body away from the gun, Jared grabbed Dylan's wrist and threw him to the ground, I screamed in pain as a sharp pain struck my leg, Dylan pushed the gun away from Jared, Dylan grabbed the knife he swung it, it hit Jared's foot once More, Jared pointed the gun to Dylan's head. I screamed, I tried to drag my limp body over to dylan, I held him as the gun pressed hard into dylans chest. There was a loud noise, my ears rang. I placed my hands over my ears. As the gun dropped to the floor.

I was wrong. I was so wrong. Where stories live. Discover now