The key

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The key dangled in front of me, Dylan ran towards me and sat next to me on the old leather couch. Jared shoved the key back into his pocket. My heart shattered, I had to get that key. I needed to get out of here.

"Go get some sleep now." Jared's voice broke the silence, it rung through my head as me and Dylan headed up the stairs. We cracked our door open as we headed inside. We pulled on the sheets and covers and drifted into pockets of much needed sleep.


"Get up kiddos, breakfast is ready."  The voice was sweet and soft, I fluttered my eyes open. It was Lynn, I smiled. She was one of the only people here I liked, besides Dylan but sometimes I couldn't even trust him. I stood up and pushed at dylan until he awoke, Lynn smiled as she came and sat on the edge of our bed. Dylan placed his glasses back on his nose, Lynn pushed hers up onto her freckled nose. She tucked a pice of her brown hair behind her ear as she cradled her stomach,

"Have you thought of any names?"


"For the baby," I smiled, dylan rubbed his eyes as he listened to our conversation.

"I was thinking about Rachel, maybe summer?"

"Any boy names"

" hmm, maybe Logan or River"

" those are all wonderful names,"

"Thank you" her voice was quiet as she continued to stroke her stomach,

"We should head to breakfast,"

"Wait," I grabbed Lynn's arm, she looked at me with confusion,

" can you help us, "


"Help is escape."


" you don't want your baby to grow up in this place! Please Lynn," Lynn's eyes watered with tears, she quickly wiped them away and pulled free from my grip. Dylan held me back as I tried to get up and grab Lynn again, she was our only hope.

"Ava what the hell?"

"She is pregnant she can't risk escaping with an unborn child,"

"Your right, I'm sorry" I burried my face into Dylan's chest as we got up and went downstairs, the smell of warm food surrounded me. We took a seat at the counter in the kitchen, Lynn and Jenny raced around the kitchen as they brought things in,

" go help them Ava."


I swiftly got up as I saw Dylan sitting at the table close by Jared and Chris who were reading the paper. It was dated back from the way early two thousands, it was already 2014 they were reading paper that was almost 14 years old. I walked past the men and joined Lynn and Jenny who were bringing food onto the table. There were eggs, potatoes, toast and pork. We placed all the dishes onto the counter. The men dished up, Jared placed the meat onto my plate, Dylan looked at me,

"Just eat around the meat, I will get the plates before they notice" Jenny mumbled to us as she sat next to Jared. Me and Dylan nodded our heads as everyone began to eat. I looked through the window above the stove, the sun had just began to rise. My heart pounded in my chest, it started to burn. I needed to get that key, I needed to get out. Tonight. I shoved the last bit of food into my mouth, Dylan did the same as we placed the meat aside. Jenny swiftly got up and stacked our plates,

I was wrong. I was so wrong. Where stories live. Discover now