Hopefull tears

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Authors note; sorry for all the typos in this book,, I'll hopefully go through them and fix them all soon,, enjoy!


I pushed Dylan away, my eyes burned with tears. My best friend, slowly slipping away from me.

"Ava? Why did you push me, anyways let's go."

"What do you mean?"

"Did you think I was going to hurt you?"

" I uh-"

"I wasn't I just wanted you to come check out downstairs and see if there was a door with me,"

I gave a sigh of relive as I crawled out of the bed. The hardwood floor creaked with every gentle step we took, we passed by Lynn's and Chris's room as our feet shuffled down the stairs, Dylan quickly put his pocket knife in
of his jeans. Jared stood downstairs with his arms crossed and a huge grin on his lips. I started to shake, Dylan tightened the grip on my hand as we looked around down stairs. The floor was covered by an ugly brown carpet that sat in the middle of the kitchen and the living room. The living room was warm, a fire burned away in the fireplace, pictures hung from the wall above the window, I walked over to it and pulled the curtains open. My heart broke as there was bars on this window as well. I let go of Dylan's hand and walked around the dim living room. Jared had his eyes locked on us as we looked around. No one dared to say a word. There was a leather couch and an old rocking chair, the couch sat against the wall next to the fire place. There was no wall separating the living room from the rest of the couch. The old chair sat awkwardly close by the stairs.

" good to see you two awake."

"Mhm" i made my way back over towards Dylan who was now starring past the barred window, he focused on the moon and the dark sky.

" come sit," Jared pulled out two stools that barley sat someway underneath the counter in the kitchen. Next to the rustic stove was a door. and next to the counter was a door , there was plenty of wooden cupboards  and  a window that was smaller than the others, it had bars. The walls in the house were all painted a light brown. Me and Dylan took a seat, Jared walked over to a cupboard and grabbed a glass, I watched as he filled it, as he chugged it down I lowered my gaze to the door next to the stove. I saw blood, there was bloody shoe prints next to the door. I bit hard on my lip, so hard I let out a small yelp, Dylan looked at me in confusion as did Jared.

" sorry my arm hurts," i tried to talk past the lump in my throat.  Jared put the glass in the sink as he sat in a stool across from us.

"This is my cousin Chris's house. His girl Lynn lives here as well,"

"Did he kidnap Lynn?"

"Excuse me"

" you kidnaped Jenny, so did he kidnap Lynn?"

Jared grabbed my arm,

" you shouldn't talk like that about our family. We are not kidnappers."

" but you kidnap-"

Jared dug his nails into my cuts, I cried out in pain. Jared let go, the cuts broke open and blood fell down my wrist.

" take your girl to bed dylan. She is trouble, you need to train her, when I got your mother the training was the fun part." I got up and crossed the counter, Dylan went to grab my hand to stop me but I brushed him away. Jared was much larger than me, his eyes looked down at me as i slapped him. I  ran for the door that was next to the counter I desperately twisted the handle, Dylan got up to pull me away. I elbowed him in the stomach, I clawed at the door when I felt a warm breath behind me. Jared grabbed fistfuls of my hair and pulled me over to the couch. He sat me down,

" the doors are always locked."  Jared took out a chain that was silver out of his pocket and at the end of it was a shiny gold key. My exit key.

I was wrong. I was so wrong. Where stories live. Discover now