Cold bodies

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Eek I'm loosening a lot of votes and reads,, mmmm,, anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter please comment and vote!!


I remember seeing Jared move the gun from Dylan's head down to his chest and then he pointed it straight at me. A sharp pain exploded in my chest, my heart pounded, my lungs burned, I felt a warm liquid spill up from my throat, tears streamed down my face, I couldn't move. I began to choke on the salty red substance. I curled up in a ball as Dylan's eyes widened. His glasses broke and crooked on his face. I couldn't stand this sharp pain in my chest. I winced at the pain, I quivered. The pain shot from my chest quickly grew, soon enough I couldn't breath. The warm liquid continued to spill out of my mouth. I looked up at dylan who was not holding my face in his hands, he started to blur, he continued to say something over and over. But the ringing in my ears grew louder and louder with each word he spoke. I could barley see anything, I saw a tall man come over and pick me up. I winched at the pain, my breathing was weak, but it was still there. The talk man must have been Jared, I saw the bright car lights, i could tell Jared was limping. His foot must have been in pain. I was glad. I rolled my head to see Dylan's eyes locked on me. He shouted something as I felt a great pain dig into my shoulder, a syringe, everything went dark.

Dylan's pov:

The sweat fogged up my glasses, I felt dad run his gun down from my forehead to my chest. I froze as I felt him move it once more. Towards Ava's chest. Before I could do anything the loud shot rang in my ears, over and over. I started to cry more than I ever have before, my glasses had a crack in them, but I felt Ava's blood splatter across my face as she coughed it up. She screamed out In pain. Dad stood behind me, the gun was on the pavement. He had his hands crossed over his chest. I hovered over Ava, I was carful not to crush her quivering body. I cupped her bright red face in my hands, I ran my fingers over her cold cheeks, I kissed her, her blood smeared against my lips, her eyes barley opened and closed, her breaths were heavy and slow. She began to cough up more blood, I set her down gently,

" Why would you do that! "

" she is a mistake. "

"Excuse me?!"

" Dylan she is, was a mistake! She was a problem to our family."

" no she wasn't! We need to take her home to help her! "

" Dylan she is good as dead. "

I grabbed the gun from the cement. I picked it up and pointed it in the direction of my dad. He looked at me and raised his hands in defense, he walked over and grabbed Ava up, she laid limp in his arms, blood stained her white tee shirt and overalls. I watched as Jared shoved her in the back seat of the car, I sat in the back with her, her short hair pressed against her face, I brushed it back she gave me a faint smile, she moved her hand towards mine,

"What are you doing?"

"Drugging her."

"What? Why!"

" so the pain will stop, if she has any chance of living she will wake up as anyone else would, but this may kill her. "

" why would you give it to her!"

Jared sat quiet, he got in the front seat and drove back to Chris and Lynn's house. The sun was starting to rise. We walked into the house, I saw Chris sitting on the porch his eyes widened when she saw Jared caring Ava's sleeping body. I walked into the house mom was staring down at the old news paper, Lynn sat across from her, they didn't look up

" hey honey you find Ava-" they slowly looked up as Lynn bit down on her lip, they saw as dad walked into the basement with Ava, her chest barley moved every six seconds, tears started to pour from my eyes,

"Jared, you didn't!"

" shut up Jenny!"

" help me fix her up, she might not make it. I shouldn't be helping her anyways."

I froze in my tracks, Lynn moved her head towards me. She started to cry, she dug her palms into her eyes, she moved her left arm and wrapped it around her stomach. The baby was due any day now. I was numb, I ran upstairs to my room, I slammed the door shut, Ava's sweet sent filled my nose, my eyes began to water, i took of my shoes and crawled into bed, I went to wrap my arm around Ava, but her warm comforting body wasn't there I pulled the blankets up over my head, the sent was stronger, my stomach twisted into a knot. It took a while, images of Ava flooded my mind. I fell into small pockets of sleep, I kept waking up and wanting to wrap my arms around Ava but she wasn't there, I wanted to run down and check on her, but I didn't want to hear people's apologies and soft words, nothing they would say could help. I wanted Ava. Mom came into my room throughout the day, she would sit on the bed and then leave the room. I watched the sun rise and set through the window. My stomach growled but I couldn't eat, I didn't want to eat, there was a faint knock on my door just as the sun had set, it was Lynn.

I was wrong. I was so wrong. Where stories live. Discover now