Faded thoughts

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Authors note; thank you all for 50? Reads like
Aaaa? I hope you all enjoy this chapter!!


I wanted to cry, I didn't know what to do, my reaction was to run. I turned around but before I could get any ware a heavy hand gripped my shoulder tightly. I could see Dylan's eyes grow wide as he gripped me and desperately tried to pull me away from the heavy weight, I let out a yelp as the man dug his nails into my shoulder. I reached out for dylan, I screamed at him and told him to run. Dylan ran as fast as he could, when the man threw me to the ground and pulled out a pocket knife, he held it to my throat. Tears streamed down my face as I froze, my body tensed up in fear,

" I wouldn't do that boy." The man spoke with a raspy voice, his hair reached to the top of his ear as he bent over holding the knife to my throat pieces of the greasy mess fell next to his dark brown eyes.

Dylan froze and walked slowly back towards his home, the man took handfuls of my hair and dragged me into the house, I cursed at the man, my face bright red,

"Watch your mouth." The man scolded me and started to tug on my hair harder as he threw me on Dylan's moms couch, the man walked over to Dylan who stood in the doorway with tears streaming down his face, I saw him fall to his knees and shout something as I felt something sharp go into my shoulder, I looked up to see Jenny stabbing a needle in my arm, she had tears in her eyes and mouthed something to me, she drugged me. And everything went dark.

When I awoke my head throbbing and my eyes felt heavy, my wrist were tied behind my back as I struggled to move them, every time I tried to free them the rope would dig more and more into my skin, I finally gave up after I felt a familiar warm liquid run down from my wrists, I had broken open one of my cuts.  I looked around, I saw Dylan sitting in a chair tied up just as I am but he was still passed out, he had more blood on him than when we first arrived, they must have hurt him, he must have put up a fight. The rooms air was cold, it was dim, only one lamp in the corner of the grey room. The walls had cracks going up them, there was a small couch and a DVD player along with a tv, this room had no windows, I twisted my head as I saw a large staircase that was tilted upwards, we were in a basement.

I heard a groan as I saw Dylan's head move, his glasses were in his lap, along with a note that faced upwards,

"Dylan.." my voice was quite and raspy from all the screaming,

His head bobbed up and down until he finally had the strength to hold it up, he squinted to look over at me,

" Ava?"  His voice was almost to quiet to hear,

" I'm here dylan,  you need to try and read that note on your lap."

I watched as dylan hung his head low and squinted to read the words

Children, please shout when you are awake and ready to eat dinner. Please be on your best behavior, dad has returned home for dinner and is excited to meet the new family member, thank you for joining us ava. 

I vigorously shook my head from side to side tears streamed down my face,
"No, no this can't be happening!"
"Dylan,  your dad is going to try and brainwash us just like he did your mom, please stay sane."

I continued to shake my head as I desperately looked up at dylan,

" I won't let them hurt us Ava, we're getting out of here." Dylan looked at me, his eyes were red.

He gave a loud shout to tell his family, we were ready for dinner. 

Moments passed as we waited, my gaze dropped to my feet as the familiar weight pressed against my shoulder, I started to weep.

I was wrong. I was so wrong. Where stories live. Discover now